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If You want to be spiritual

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If You want take path of spirituality You should drop of all shit of You. 

By that I mean the material paradigm revealing itself as a tiefling in general. But in the details they are mainly egoism and selfishness. This also means realizing that pursuing unity should not serve one's own self / achieve personal goals in themselves / but rather serve the good of the greatest number of people.

So after cleansing the above you will have to get rid of the leftovers of shit like fear, as long as it remains, because this is the main and the most difficult obstacle to spirituality.

I will add to this that everyone would be much easier to deal with the spirituality if the level of his survival program would be kept to a minimum. But as you know, this is impossible for most people in the current economic system, which is based on the material paradigm. Therefore, as you can see it is a vicious circle.

That is why following the path of spirituality one should focus on the first two aspects.


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Just follow your intuition. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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