The Human Instincts and it's Retarding/Killing effects on the Mind. And Who I am.

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Due to the some posts about Jesus, interpretation of his sayings, so I thought it would be important to clarify that this forum is not promoting Christianity.

Jesus is merely a key individual in a network of enlightened beings and one who ascended towards the 'Elahem' plus he is the one who came before me, so it might be that I speak of him relatively/often, but Jesus is not a subject of worship and like he said himself: "Anyone who does like me will be children of the father".

One reason he becomes a main topic is because I am supposed to confirm his coming and speak of things so elaborately I am convincing and can answer questions in such a way no one other than an enlightened (or prophetic) person can.

The scripture millions of people know as the Biblical Gospels are also distorted, albeit to a lesser extent than the one called Quran, and Jesus comes across as someone else than who he really was. Due to the lesser extent of distortion, it is possible to "read between the lines", and with a bit of wisdom, logic and objectivity it is possible to confirm by the scripture itself that I speak correctly and Jesus did actually say everyone like him will be "children of God" as translations formulate it. This is contradictory to the alleged statements calling him "the only begotten son".

One way of putting forth arguments is by undermining something else instead of merely arguing one's own point, it is something I do simultaneously, because the traditional religious ideologies are just plainly absurd and if you read the Gospels it is fairly clear that Jesus was against religious ritualism which serves no purpose. A fragile foundation of belief is easily undermined and so anything which has no solid basis cannot stand careful scrutiny. Another way of calling it is refuting something using logic and reason.

Anyways, if you disregard all focus of the posts about Jesus you can clearly see I am elaborating upon both his sayings and what has been said further back in the past. Also a bit of the focus is due to people asking questions about Jesus and so I feel obligated to answer, and Jesus is a good person to refer to.

Problem is I cannot refer to "Islam" because it is a fabricated faith system by a false prophet, alternatively multitude individuals in a cooperation effort. The writing called Quran is an authentic scripture of Elahem, but it came into the hands of people who made it according to themselves and so you have the Islam sect of the modern day with all its divisions. The traditional interpretation and translations into many languages has nothing to do with what it really tells about the truth, it is just a lot of nonsense because some random person believed himself to be "divinely inspired", but his worldview and insight was flawed and so the Quran seems to proclaim "hardcore" worship of a hateful and selfish deity with no focus on anything intellectual. If nothing you see the image of a worldly man in this deity.

This means Jesus was the last "prophet" before me and so he is my reference and therefore he gets a hefty amount of focus. Nevertheless I disclose more information than he ever did, because this was not his role and it was not the time back then, today was the time for another milestone in the progression time-line where many things become manifested. This is the meaning of the revelation called Quran, the word itself means revelation, or manifestation. Its word means something which is totally clarified and left uncovered, and you can say it shows everything without ambiguity.

And not to tell you how crappy people you are, but you who remain on Earth have not shown the progress after there was less revealed information and it would have had been more meritorious to have made the way out already in the past. This is the reason why the Elahem made another milestone of revelation, one step when matters are disclosed further and the explanation simplified and easier to comprehend. This differentiates me from Jesus in that I am not cryptic in the way I speak and I do not leave anything out.

Humorously you can say Jesus was teaching on university level while I am teaching on kindergarten level. Now that might sound condescending that you are like small children who can only understand one who speaks on the level of small children, but nowadays it is not supposed to be required a "highly receptive" person to understand but common people should be capable of understanding this.

Pay attention to that the above paragraph was only a rough comparison and not meant literally.

What I am saying is that the mental effort required to completely understand me should not reach the level of Jesus teaching, it should be easy because it is so in detail, the old terminology is explained to the letter. I will not mention the term "children of God" without also explaining what it exactly means.

My name is made of Eman/Iman (امن with Arabic letters) and this word means "to understand/realize" and it is the reason of Jesus' expression "amen amen I tell you" which translates "understand, understand I tell you" (alternatively "realize I tell you"). If you read the Gospels in which this is written and with this insight you shall see it makes sense and the meaning of Amen is clear.

Therefore Jesus does also not say "you people of little faith!" but he says "you people of little understanding".  Jesus was often very bitter and expressed himself sarcastically in an unkind way, although he did mention what he disapproved of.

Once he told Peter "Begone Satan" but his saying is not explained elaborately. What did Jesus mean? The text reveals with a bit of contemplation what he means, but few know exactly what he says. First of all the term "satan" is misinterpreted and this is not a person but it is the instinct of man, at the very best it is the animal beast with its lowly will but it is not some powerful deceiver.

So when Jesus rebukes Peter it is because he shows of giving in to the instinct of Homo sapiens. Peter is selfishly wanting Jesus to remain alive in the flesh according to the instinct of preservation of kin and so he is breaking the fifth commandment and this ignorance makes Jesus hiss at him. Jesus taught his disciples hard and was disappointed of their apparent lack of understanding and yet Jesus had the mental capability of seeing who was receptive and who was not. This insight made Jesus very bitter and tired, not even his own close disciples met his expectations.

So Jesus was disappointed at this emotional outburst which showed a bodily susceptibility and he had taught "separate the spirit from the flesh", what I mean is very clear in his words and I confirm this in the words alone, for I am a "prophet" of "God", I am even tired of trying to hide it.  A prophet is a person who has insight, The Insightful One. 

Many things are not absolutely clear from what Jesus said and that does not make him a lousy teacher, it was simply meant to be limited to what he said. His sayings were meant to be full of mysticism and require contemplation and a clear unbiased mind. This is why he said that you have to be reborn anew, roam like a young child instead of remaining as you are, with all the bias of false knowledge that you have. It does not mean you should be a gullible fool, but your ability of learning should not be stopped by what you think you already know. Many people are very convinced that what they know is right while it is not and it does not hold up against much scrutiny, but their adult identity makes them stubborn and proud, and hence Jesus' expression of just becoming like little children again. Children are not so hardened as men.

The word Elah or Allah does not mean "God" or similar but the term Elahem refers to a community a souls of an ascended state and that is because there is a "them" pronoun in the word. It roughly means 'Them Being Ones' while Elah/Allah only means "Who Is Being", it requires an argument to carry a meaningful meaning. However, "whose condition is Being Totally Complete, this one has been promoted to Being by learning to develop" (this is also the opening phrase of Quran).

So what is the key answer to my teaching and to the teaching of Abraham, Moses and Jesus and other wise people ever lived?

You have to learn to develop in order to Be Being and Be A Being is the meaning of الله or Allah and even the simpler form Elah اله. The key is to know what leads to development and know what does not. It is highly enslaving to not use the mind's willpower/Being in order to assume control over who you are. In that regard you understand the term "who is" and "whose is" I am talking about in text form.

Surrendering the mind to instinctive motivations is mindless to do, it makes you pursue something for the sake of an automatic craving stemming from the body of yours and this goal is not mental independence but rather dependence. It means the homo-sapien has automatic behavior-drive which is mindless and consciousness.

1. Instinctive group identity
2. Instinctive stereotypes
3. Instinctive vanity/activities
4. Instinctive mental preoccupation
5. Instinctive nurturing of own kin
6. Instinctive domination (e.g. seeking to win goes under this)
7. Instinctive greedily acquisition (selfishly acquiring things)
8. Instinctive sex motivation
9. Instinctive lying for benefits
10. Instinctive jealousy, craving for what your neighbor has - regardless of what it is and even if it is an item at all

These are also the true meaning of the 10.Commandments. 

I am tried to be pedagogically crystal clear this has to do with the instinct.

This is already clear in the teachings of Jesus with a bit of mental effort, this is why he speaks of seeking the vanities of this world as something negative and he does connect it to the bodily, the flesh as most translations put it. It is clear that he thought people who live ordinary lives to be dead mentally, he even refers to them as dead literally. It is not a sign of life to let oneself be guided by some automatic drive.

To try to relinquish who you are is only foolish, relinquishing in the manner that you accept who you might believe that you are, and like some people relinquishing the Being before a god. The truth is the Elahem seek nothing but seeing that you become strong mentally as this is the purpose of this existence and why they run this world environment, an environment which I was told is a "development ground" during a paranormal communication. The deception stimulus is immense, the challenge is indeed difficult but you are equipped with the most potent of mind seeds because "man was created in his image". "For God sake", have you never even read Genesis, people?

Just like Jesus said something true such as " No one, when he has lit a lamp, puts it in a cellar or under a basket, but on a stand, that those who come in may see the light. The lamp of the body is the eye"  And this is true, I cannot refrain from who am I and not to share this knowledge with other living Beings.  I possess immense insight and knowledge very few or even anyone on Earth has, and then I am not speaking of all of you because I know some have come to a conclusion, the right one. I care little if you call me master, prophet or whatever title because it is unimportant to me and fame is not why I am driven towards this. The reason I seek acceptance from you towards this teaching is entirely for the purpose of this "mission" and an ancient prophecy of fulfillment. If anything I would be happy to never even show my face to anyone in real life because I do not seek recognition and power, I feel I have to over-clarify this. This is how you distinguish a true "prophet" from a false one.

Frankly, I am a fairly much like Jesus when it comes to bitterness and tiredness, and why would I want to become recognized by people I sigh at?

I go on and on in over-ambitious efforts at overwhelming you with clarified facts and the truth without the slightest censorship. Perhaps it is the overwhelming effort which is what I do wrong.

Some people have claimed I have a grandiose self-image or megalomania, but I wish you could read my mind and see I get nothing out of this of pleasure. The only pleasure I get, or contentment if to use a less fleshly word, is the realization or understanding of things and it is this which has led me on to be - the Understander-like.

In many ways I am understanding, I understand why people do what they do and it can give me so much empathy but it also pains me severely because I sense can do little to help all these victimized people in the world. I try in many ways, some more desperate or experimental than others, to reach the consciousnesses of people.

It is also understanding which is a key in progress, understanding leads to the ability to not express conditional emotionality and hold your peace. In this era, if you cannot understand it is easy to be soaked up in anger and let yourself take part in the worldly turmoil and be taking vain sides in conflicts and lose your objectivity of judgement.

Emotions are not good when they cloud your mind and your thinking patterns. Giving in to emotions is the first call to bring in satan a.k.a. the instinct in English. You have to control how you feel and retain that control in situations, even the hard ones.

Grief can lead to anger which may lead to foolish action as in the case of Jesus criticism towards Peter for grieving that Jesus would be gone.

I commend you for your patience if you read everything from start to finish until this sentence. Hopefully you read that which you might have learned something from. If you have an open mind, you can learn something new.


Edited by WHO IS

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Too many words and basically you said you are e prophet or in a way better than us but we should not feel lesser than you because you mention not to do so, awesome.

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