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Should I stop seeking enlightenment?

21 posts in this topic

Ok...I would be careful. Because you can get very very discouraged by seeking enlightenment for something like that. Enlightenment is hard to need to be very dynamic and adaptable and clever. Your meditation needs to be on point, powerful, consistent. However, I will say this... spiritual practises took away all of my depression and anxiety for a full year. I'm having to deal with all the repressed emotions now, but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that hardcore spiritual practises are effective at transforming your life. BUT this can become very very lonely and isolated if not understood correctly. You must appreciate the present moment. And there are things that can help you right now. Counselling, clubs and groups (with common games club for example, or sports). One thing I highly recommend is anti anxiety and anti depression medication. There are many simple simple ways that you can help yourself. Anxiety tends to lead someone to overthink...focus on simplicity and remember, you don't need to be normal, you just need to be confident. I know what it's like to be an outcast, to not fit in anywhere. But then I started working on my physical appearance and can do the same. 

If your finding it hard to interact with girls, I recommend dropping 90% of all of your tactics and theories. Bring it back to 2 steps, simple conversation (with compliments) and smoothness/some confidence. One of the hardest things with anxiety is remembering that it's quite simple.

So continue the spiritual stuff, but get the rest of the help you need 

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