
Cult Psychology - Part 2 - The Big Picture Notes

4 posts in this topic

Anybody made notes on this one and willing to share?


Here are my notes on part 1:


Cult Psychology - A look at the mind control techniques used by cults and how to avoid them.


What are cults and how do they work?

Likely to join a cult

Or have a friend / family join a cult

You can become a cult leader


Hierarchical structure 

Narcissistic leader

Ego distraction to not let yourself spirituality develop

Cults are not all bad

Always moved in with good intentions

You don’t know you join a cult when you join a cult

Reality bubble created by cult

Falsehood always has to battle the truth 

Cult wants to control your mind

20 / 30 year old teachers are likely to start a cult

Religion and cult are not the same thing

Cults use more mind control techniques then religion

Communes are not a cult




Al quida


arian nation

Transcendental meditation



Lured into the cult 

Thinker / feeler / believer or do-er 

Cult will find a way to influence you in the most efficient way


Feed off cult ideology leader

Offer spiritual insight / shortcut to enlightenment

security / love / identity / wisdom 


Public dependent of cult

Acquiring power for the leader

Recruitment for new followers

Leader usually thinks he’s the messiah

Pseudo life purpose following a cult leader (small monarchy)

Totalistic ideology 

Dualistic view of the world

Black and white thinking

Inside / outside thinking

Squash opposing points of view

Used all means to achieve it’s goal

Time frame is 3 to 5 years to avoid short term goals and interpret bigger buy in

Visualise / sex / fasting / hyper ventilation / meditation to install new goals 

Appeal to fear / guilt and shame

Destroy your self esteem

Gas lighting - blame members of blackmailing in the media

Indoctrination / retreat far away from society

Change identity / tight schedule to avoid critical thinking

Recruit new members to install view your doing good

Deny your inner heart and inner truth

Love boding to real you in - feel accepted by society

Group housing to establish monitoring 

Multiple wives / physical abuse

Cult leader has a very bad background

Pay fees to get new courses / get to the next level etc..

Friends and Family will be demonised

Try to cut off new and opposing sources of information

Seeds in your mind that if you leave the cult you will fail

Hard and long work

Manipulating self image 

You need a combination of these to  function as a cult

Educate yourself on how to escape a cult

Talk to ex members

Accept that you are in a cult

Reclaim old identity

Leave and cut off all ties to the cult

Self esteem exercises

Serious study of reality (deconstruct your own brainwashing)


New era of cults will arise due to the internet

Asses self help channels your following as well can easily be turned into a cult

Leo is careful for it not to turn into a cult

No religion starts with a cult like goal in the beginning but it will turn into one after a couple of years and ego / corruption 

Don’t let turn into fuel for the ego

Utilise the information (200h minimum to get the big picture)

Apply care and attention to the work

Learn how the matrix works before you can escape the matrix

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That video did some major shadow work on me. Good shit that.


The point where he made where we as children often end up projecting our own shadow onto our parents. In efforts to create and support our own sense of identity separate from them. Likening it to bacteria splitting off from the mother cell. And in order for it to survive it feels it needs to attack the very thing that created it. 

Fucking hell. That should be in a video of it's own. 

Edited by MisterMan

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someone should do this for all episodes, help out the others who don't have time to make notes for themselves. 

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