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Alex bAlex

Remapping your mind/binural beats

3 posts in this topic

Hello Actualizers, 

Have you got any recommendations on which binural beats / meditation /affirmations programs to listen to before you go to bed or during the day? 

I have listened so far Anna Thompson self hypnosis programs for 3-4 months last year. Do they work... Mmmm... The fact is that sometimes I skipped a day or two either because I forget about it or my headphones battery  run off juice. 

Another program is called Power Thoughts Meditation Club. This is a bit... Meah... I have listened for 2 months but again not a very significant change. 

Also, trying to go to sleep with headphones on is a bit of challenge as it affects your sleep position and puts pressure on ears. I'm look forward to buy something like this for more comfort.

So what are your favourite self-hypnosis/binural beats programs? 

Many thanks! 

Not to be listen while driving or operating heavy machineries! ;)

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These are my faves-- I use the first one in my yoga class a lot he he.

However, I think personal preference plays a huge role in this.. So hope you keep sampling away til you find some that suit you.

This one for focus:

I really like this one for naps:

Thanks for sharing the head phones.

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