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Is Crystals Healing Effective or just a Placebo?

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So i have been experimenting with various different crystals the last couple of days. I hear a bunch of different opinions.

Some people say it's just a Placebo Effect but what does this really mean? I don't get it. 

If it is a placebo does it make it less valuable? What the distinction?

Thank you.

Edited by SQAAD

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Placebo but there are some scientific evidence for some stones like Shungite. Look at  Acturus Ra Youtube he has products that have very powerful products. I bought his Dhjedi Key and i had frequent lucid dreams and synchronicity.

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Crystals are no different from plants. Both equally as alive and effective. The key is to tune in.

The finer you tune into consciousnesses, the more aware you become of ALL THAT IS.


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