
What would a stage yellow environmentalist look like?

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Yellow environmentalist will understand that this is nobody's fault. He will go out there and try to understand all involved parties, he knows that you cannot just stop mining or stop dumping plastic into the sea because there is a colossal logistico-economical issue, lot of involved parties and stakeholders. Yellow will go and speak to all of them before making his decision. He will not waste time on bashing on cattle farmers because he understands that they are part of larger system. he knows that the guy who kills the animals sees himself as the "one who provides for his family" just like the accountant or walmart's store manager.

I don't really have any example here because most of these people are in my opinion not that well known and probably work in research, spend weeks and months out in the field, collecting data and compelling reports. Check the Yellow megathread there might be some useful names. 

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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Paul Stamets would be a good example of a stage yellow environmentalist

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Developing and implementing real solutions to environmental problems, as opposed to activism and virtue signaling. If they can't do it on their own, then finding the right scientists & engineers that can devise them, getting philanthropists and businesses to bring them to life, and educating political bodies on their urgency & importance. I met a professional environmentalist in college once, and most of what he does is attend hearings, do research and write grant applications, pragmatic and not so glamorous stuff.

Writing this out is for me as much as OP, since I myself used to be passionate about environmentalism, gave up/lost touch with it and backslid into self-centered "world is fucked, enjoy it while you can" mentality. Now I know what to do with the burning desire to "save what's left of the Earth" should it re-awaken in me and I have the means.

18 hours ago, Himanshu said:


Doesn't work.

Edited by XYZ

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