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Online writing courses?

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Have you completed a good online writing course? 

I'm a terrible writer and I've decided I'd like to learn how to write better. I'm looking for a course that is not too expensive and is well structured.


Any recommendations? 

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If you wrote the above, you can't be that bad. I've seen worse. :P

First, I would say, get specific. What kind of writing do you suck at that you want to improve? Different kinds of writing are different. Fiction is completely different from non-fiction, etc.

Then I would recommend practicing. Writing is one of those skills that has to be integrated into the subconscious, and though courses may give you some tips, ultimately the only way you will get better at writing is to read a lot and then write a lot.

Start a blog or write a journal, and then go over and edit what you've written, improving it over time. Write every day. After 1,000,000 words, you probably won't suck anymore.

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5 hours ago, eleveneleven said:

If you wrote the above, you can't be that bad. I've seen worse. :P

First, I would say, get specific. What kind of writing do you suck at that you want to improve? Different kinds of writing are different. Fiction is completely different from non-fiction, etc.

Then I would recommend practicing. Writing is one of those skills that has to be integrated into the subconscious, and though courses may give you some tips, ultimately the only way you will get better at writing is to read a lot and then write a lot.

Start a blog or write a journal, and then go over and edit what you've written, improving it over time. Write every day. After 1,000,000 words, you probably won't suck anymore.

I actual 2nd that. Don't try to make buying stuff a way out of brute force practice and discovering on your own. 

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On 11/20/2018 at 3:42 PM, herghly said:

@eleveneleven I've never had a blog before. Do you think a private blog is ok?

Yeah man, a private blog would work just fine. It could be like a journal. Personally, I keep a private journal as well on my computer. I use this open source software called RedNotebook. It's great if you're trying to write every day because it is in a calendar format and you can see what days you've written.

You might want to make a public blog when you're ready, though, especially on a subject that you know a lot about. That way you can practice your writing and help people at the same time.

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