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Major shift very probable

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Through the media industries the masses are being introduced to super powers, magic, multi-dimensional and probable realities, infinity time-shifts, think of Avengers infinity war which is a massive cultural movie, animated shows like rick and morty are pushing the edge as well

Over the whole industry you seem more movies and shows snip in a bit related to infinity and probable realities, time-shifts, consciousness that spans over different timelines

Science-wise quantum physics are showing a big red arrow to infinity and consciousness

The question of a genuine sentient A.I is raising the topic of consciousness more then ever, and will keep doing so beyond the scope of what we saw in times of ancient philosophers, 

Finance-wise the structures for a new financial system are in work, the various cryptocurrencies are groundwork for this

Climate-wise the planet is warming up big time, which again will require humanity to become conscious, of its actions, of the meaning of those actions, the planet will surge us to become conscious

Everything is aligning for a massive shift in consciousness in the coming decades, dare I say even in the next decade

Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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Imagine the astonishment of future historians over the fact that the human race survived the delusion of seperation, all the killing, war, torture, evil and exploitation.

"Humans ACTUALLY believed they were seperate from each other, while they had the nerve to laugh at people who once thought the earth was flat??? " 

"Humans fought WARS???? Over concepts???? " 

"scientists discovered the quantum world but they STILL did not get it, despite the fact that the truth was literally on paper in front of them??" 


Edited by molosku

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I defintely agree. Humanity is reaching an inflection point where we’ll either collectively slingshot oursleves into a new era or plunge into a new dark age or possibly extinction.

If we fuck up AI, fuck up genetic engineering, fuck up the economy, fuck up the planet beyond healing, and generally just fuck ourselves... we’re fucked haha. My point is A LOT could go wrong, but assuming the stars align, we could enter into a new “golden age” previously unrivaled. Exciting times to be alive! 

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