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"Neutral" presence & "Active" presence

3 posts in this topic

Hi again dear people,

        When I am not doing anything particularly emotionally intense / exciting etc. it is easier for me to remain present than when I for example go out with friends / do something demanding / or just in general step out of the door. I guess it seems easier when I'm at home than when I'm in public.
        The follow up question would be; do I even know what awareness is, or am I simply referring to some state which ultimately is completely different from awareness?
        What I feel awareness to be is a state of flow, a very peaceful state in which competence seems to be much higher and thoughts are much more direct and clear. My worry here is that I am simply confusing focus with awareness. And I know that systematic mental processes can cause ego depletion (which simply means running out of gas).
       The final step in this question would be: does awareness run out of gas? (My intuition says No it does not) Because if it does not, then I might be confusing attention span with awareness.

Hopefully this is clear enough, it's hard to state exactly everything and I want to keep it short.
Also, I use awareness and presence interchangeably here.

P.S Bonus question, when is it appropriate to ask questions 'externally' and when is it better to contemplate them yourself? Can be tough sometimes as asking questions can be a distraction inner of itself I feel.

Thanks guys keep rocking :)

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I think there are just fewer distractions when you are at home, hence why it is easier to be aware. As people say silence/emptiness is closer to what you actually are, so you feel more grounded when you are in a calm environment.

I sometimes have the opposite situation where it is easier to focus on the Here/Now when there are many sensory stimuli - the overwhelming amount of sounds, sights and feelings completely take up my attention and leave no space for my mind to reason/conceptualize. I guess it is all a matter of practice/getting used to being aware.

You see, the reason you want to be better, is the reason why you aren’t. Shall I put it like that?

We aren't better, because we want to be.

                                                                                                                                                 ~ Alan Watts

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Start jerking off with yourself only to find out the answer, I'm not joking. 

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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