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How can one live knowing life is a Strange loop?

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 Everything is set, even this sentence of ideology. The moment I'm writing this sentence I enter into another dimension of the same infinite dimension which brings me nothing more than more deja vu of deja vu itself. The paradox of the paradox the life that never changed and never will. The questions that I'll always ask and will never answer. The answer that I'll always get and will never get to question. Everything is set in a way that no one and nobody would see the things that life brings us. Everyone is going to die and rebirth at the same time since time is only relative to the people around us. The more I know, the less I want to know, that's the conclusion I came up with. Since the ego likes to talk, he likes to think, he likes to control, he likes to feel like he is in control. How does the ego live with the knowledge of life being a giant loop of consciousness which never ends?

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@i am I AM This is what I've got from your reply:

  • Be here
  • Stay here
  • No looking back
  • No looking forward
  • Enjoy suffering
  • Love everybody
  • Give to the world
  • Feel for the world
  • Be here and stay square
  • Live like you lived long ago and see the world as it is for what it is

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I think you gain bigger insights cause your next step happens to be learning to process and detach from information even that great and life changing in a way

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Because the mind forgets. Quickly!

The dream-state is extremely powerful.

The dream state is like a song that pulls all of humanity into a trance.

Many people who have watched that video about "Strange Loops" have already forgotten and went back to sleep.

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5 hours ago, Brittany said:

Because the mind forgets. Quickly!

The dream-state is extremely powerful.

The dream state is like a song that pulls all of humanity into a trance.

Many people who have watched that video about "Strange Loops" have already forgotten and went back to sleep.

The sleeping itself is in a strange loop so there's really nothing to worry about. There is only a life to live and be aware of. There is only meditation with which we can enjoy life to the fullest.

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