
How do I know if I am manipulating myself

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2 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@B_Naz Are you aware of things you want in your life? Things you want to experience? Places you want to see? Talents you’d like to develop? Even things you want to buy?

Yeah, I do, but most of the time it feels forced to do those things like I can go to the Netherlands with my friends and have an experience over there yet it feels forced. Ever since I discovered this work, I just feel like I don't want anything anymore, and I feel at peace with that... I've seen a lot of forum posts talking about this but it just isn't really interesting for me.

What I think is happening is that I'm drifting my attention from working on myself, and I feel fine with that. I don't want to work on myself for egoistical means but work on myself to actually get to the "What I'm supposed to be". 

Then I feel like I'm just manipulating myself with all of this knowledge

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2 minutes ago, Caterpillar said:

It doesn't matter if an insight is inspired by a memory or if you pull it out of the ether. If it's a good insight then just write it down and apply it in your life. 

What if it isn't though? You see people following "crazy" theories and they think are right. What if I am the crazy one? :).

Not wanting anything in life? That sounds fucking stupid doesn't it?

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This is a great question indeed....

This may be difficult to see without holistic insight/perception into the whole of “the self”-thought, but it’s quite interesting indeed. Believing there is a path to which “I will arrive”.


Is this a subtle form of nourishing the illusion of psychological becoming in time?


Can one find out the common denominator of this pursuit of paths to truth??


Could this search indicate the dependence on a path is actually the search to capture that which is inherently impermanent, which is psychological permanence?..


The means (the accumulation of knowledge, experience, memory), and the response-application of thought, (content-guidance), in the form of practices, routines, systems that pursues the goal,(truth)


Is it possible that the utilization of the means, (content-guidance-path), actually nourishes the continuity of self(psychological time)? 


The means, implying the goal (truth), is fixed, and therefore something that is dead,static? 




Is the accumulation-conformity too, and application of that content-guidance/path, with all its implications, actually one and the same movement?


Does this imply that the content-guidance/path, to truth becomes merely “the selfs” invention, (i.e. self preservation of the i)? 


Is the means content-guidance/path, (accumulated experience, knowledge, memory), one and the same movement of “the i” that has then pre-supposed and constructed its own idea of truth in which is to fulfill ones own self fulfilling prophecy? 


Doesn’t thought love to predict and forecast-project?



Could there be any significance in this???



Do (tools- a path) establish/pre-assume the goal/truth, therefore bringing about a truth that is merely an invention of the self? Does not this imply the cultivation-process of its own self feeding loop?



Is the means-(path) actually different from the destination? 


In this case, doesn’t the means project its own inevitable outcome? 


Perhaps the self/ego and its accumulation, and the application of those means-(content-guidance-path), in which that means projects its own personalized destination(TRUTH), is one and the same movement of “self” perpetuation...an example of (time-thought trying to escape time-thought by the employing time-thought as a means)..


Is this movement of cultivation of time as the i actually nourishing the illusion of self, and creating its own version of TRUTH? 


Again, is the means (path), and the i, one and the same movement of the self seeking psychological security in its own movement? 


Could this be an example of an illusion seeking security in the very mechanism that has validated the false sense of that illusion, which is “the self”? 


Interesting Questions to anyone interested:)

Edited by Faceless

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You already are what you’re ‘supposed’ to be.  You can ‘path’, discover self, AND you can do what you want, discovering more of what you want. 

There is no “ I “ which could manipulate a “self”. That’s fragmentation. Thinking through perspective you’re two things. Only sounds semantical. 

Whatever references you make, whatever terms you use, whatever you do or don’t do - you are what’s aware of it. 

Life Purpose course?



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20 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@B_Naz You already are what you’re ‘supposed’ to be.  You can ‘path’, discover self, AND you can do what you want, discovering more of what you want. 

Yes! You are right. This is a needed reminder. Something i actually forgot and that is everything I am do is already me. I am constantly changing, and that is the real me. I will change regardless if I want to, meaning there is no actual "supposed" to be but there is to an extent (with the consciousness and such).

But yes, you've just realised I have no respect on it. Not giving a fuck about the experiences, the things or what I want is is invalid since how do I know if I don't actually want it if I never had it :P. I think I need to think even bigger with my life-purpose vision

What I don't want = What I want

@Faceless Taken me a hour to get through your post lol

I think you're suggesting anything you make in psychological time is trapped in psychological self (trapped in the I) and that it's version is based on the psychological self.  But regardless of what Truth is out there, it all leads to the same one place?

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@B_Naz Happy for ya man. Be free. A funny thought too, if there was something you’re supposed to be or do, that would imply there is someone or something with authority, which has imposed upon you, what you are supposed to be / do. That would mean you were captive to that ‘supposed to do’, which makes it a supposition.lol But, look around. Smack your face. Eat a grape. Mop the floor. You can do whatever the hell you want, and no one has the authority to tell you that you’re wrong. It’s what you want, and yes, it will change as you experience more and more. 



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@B_Naz hope it gave you something to explore. Book of the self is very interesting:)

Edited by Faceless

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@B_Naz can you see the reality of all this?

To understand the reality of illusion? 

Illusion is very subtle. 

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@Faceless I can definitely see the I creating its own version of Truth. The thing that I'm still trying to figure out is how to leads to the same destination.

The fact also of creating the Truth is indeed creating security but is needed to arrive to... Somewhere. Once that security is gone, and the agenda is no longer, I can arrive.

When I say I want to be what I'm "supposed" to be, that itself is just an escape from security. That was my own version of Truth

All of what I just said is a version of Truth. It's very subtle 

Edited by B_Naz

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1 hour ago, B_Naz said:

The thing that I'm still trying to figure out is how to leads to the same destination.

What does it imply when we ask how to do this, or how do I do this? 

Is it the accumulation and response of experience, knowledge, memory(thought) “the i”?

And isn’t thought always old, dead, static? 

If I ask (how to), isn’t that pulling what has been in the past (accumulation of thought, and “I”, also of thought, am looking to apply that towards Truth, which is dynamic? 

To ask how to implies the aquistiton & application of thought-self which is of the past, which is static, thought is never new/dynamic...So when I ask how to in order to get this :sacred Truth, which is always new, I am pulling from that which is old (thought). Therefore the old is simply carried over on top, and in place of the new. 

So to pull from the old (static), is to project the old. Or as I have said to project ones own personalized (static), version of truth. 

Are we closer to meeting here?:)

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@Faceless So the new is never new. It's always old. Projecting the old is new and vice versa. It's the same? If Truth is dynamic, it cannot be achieved via static means, through thoughts?

8 minutes ago, Faceless said:

Therefore the old is simply carried over on top, and in place of the new. 

So to pull from the old (static), is to project the old. Or as I have said to project ones own personalized (static), version of truth. 

I also love how this topic was supposed to be from an epistemological perspective and turned into the validity of Truth and thoughts, haha. 

Edited by B_Naz

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8 minutes ago, B_Naz said:

So the new is never new.

Thought happening now is the response of the past(experience, knowledge, memory). 

8 minutes ago, B_Naz said:

Projecting the old is new and vice versa

So what this movement of thought/thinking “now” is of the old. Thought is conditioned from the past. 


8 minutes ago, B_Naz said:

If Truth is dynamic, it cannot be achieved via static means, through thought. 

That’s for you to look into more. You must be able to see it yourself. 

8 minutes ago, B_Naz said:

also love how this topic was supposed to be from an epistemological perspective and turned into the validity of Truth and thoughts, haha. 

It all goes together. My intention was to show that we must understand the reality of illusion. As your tittle was, “How do I know if I am manipulating myself”?? :)


Edited by Faceless

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