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Had a deep insight in an awesome lucid dream last night

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I mean, you guys are all probably familiar with this because it's what Leo's talking about. Though it's different to intellectually understand it and to viscerally grasp the insight. 

Lucid dreams are a great teaching ground for non-materialism, literally a perfect environment, because everything seems so vivid, so real. Yet what is that world made out of? 

So I had like 5-6 lucid dreams last night. In the first one I was staring at a cat which seemed so real. But I told her 'you're not real, this is a dream, so what are you made out of?' 

Then I got it. What Leo was talking about. It's such a paradigm shift, you know. And I'll still be materialistic in waking life. But I felt it, in the later dreams where I sat in half-lotus in the air. It's actually so liberating, to know that e. g. pain, which is such a limiting sensation for the things we do, is illusionary (thich quang duc who set himself on fire and didn't budge an inch). Life is but a dream, drifting on a stream, consciously it seems... 

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@Gligorije Here's a quote to go with your new found realization.

"What changes is not real. What is real does not change"

 You ask: "What is the world made of?"  But who is asking since all is illusion? Are you not the illusion? 

"When you finally know that there is no individual, there will be no questions to ask"


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