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Can enlightenment be a threat to a larger structure/being that we're not aware of?

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A random cell in my body is not aware that it is part of a larger structure, a being called Markus. 

A 'normal' cell divides into clone/daughter cells according to a certain biological pattern, and shortens its telomeres by every division until the telomeres are too short to protect the DNA and the cells can't divide further and eventually they die.

Let's imagine that cells have some sort individual identity aka ego which make them work like "normal" cells as described above.

Now imagine that a cell can become enlightened, and in doing so it creates an enzyme called telomerase, the "enlightenment enzyme" let's call it. 

This telomerase enzyme constantly rebuilds the telomeres of the cell and it's clones(which otherwise shortens naturally by every division as I mentioned above)  

So this enzyme allows the cell and its clones/daughter-cells to continue the division indefinitely without having their telomeres shortened. 

A cell represent one unit of consciousness before the first division let's say, and the awareness raise proportionally with the number of cell-clones(Metaphor).

The enlightened cell can now go on faster and forever to divide into higher and higher awareness on a quest for infinite consciousness, since the clone cells have potential to grow to be an infinite number due to their telomeres never shortens. 

Now this is precisely what happens when cancer appear. Cancer cells are not thought to degrade. The enzyme called telomerase as mentioned above, that is present in cancerous cells, rebuilds the telomeres, allowing division to continue indefinitely.

Could it be that when humans become enlightened and expand their awareness towards infinite consciousness, we might threaten some larger structure or being that we're not aware of, just as a cell in my body is not aware of Markus, and will eventually kill him if that cell become 'enlightened' as in this silly metaphor.  

Edited by MarkusSweden

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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