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Why Does It Have To Take So Long?

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I have started self-actualization about a year ago. After this year I can say I have learned about some of its core ideas, but I have improved only a bit.

The thing that bothers me is the time I have to spend in order to achieve those goals. Don't get me wrong here, I understand it takes time and I didn't even fully started yet. I will continue working to at least try to get the full result. What annoys me is the idea of the fighting ego. Leo always says, it's not complicated and it's already here - you just have to see it, when on the other hand it requires 10, 30 or even 100 years of work.

The ego is protecting itself to survive, but since it doesn't exist - it can't protect itself at all. I personally hate competition and it very hard for me to accept a fight with myself. I prefer not to compete with others, and at the same time I am preventing myself from finding out that I don't actually exist. While seeking integrity and inner-peace, I am exactly preventing myself from achieving it. I'm completely lost.

I'm not complaining; I think that solving this issue can dramatically speed up the whole process for me, and I would really appreciate your help! :)

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The ego is a thing. The falsehood is the identification of the ego being the true self. The ego is psychological mechanism that is a by-product of natural selection, an emergent phenomena of billions of years of evolution. At the same time, that very concept of self that we take for granted and associate with the ego is a fiction, not the true self. Enlightenment takes a long time because it escapes the illusion perpetuated by an organisms natural tendencies and environmental pressures to identify as a separate self. Enlightenment is falling out of this illusion.

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Go read Mastery by George Leonard then you understand why. It's an never ending journey, live your dream till it fade away.

Whatever happens..
The Truth will free my soul

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I think a couple things may help you, one is that you can't really focus on the result, it's an ongoing process that never ends really, try and focus on just being present and conscious moment to moment, as soon as you focus on the result you're only using the present moment as a means to an end and therefore missing out on life. If you think about its no different to saying I'll be ok once I'm rich, it's just a different obstacle you've put in your way 'I'll be ok once I'm enlightened', it's the same thing, what you should try and do (try a weirs word) is remove obstacles or see that it's you putting them up. 

Second is that you can't get rid of the ego it's there, you're constantly going to get thoughts in your head that you didn't put there, when you try and fight them you're resisting the present moment, which again takes you away from being. These thoughts are a happening and there's nothing you can actually do about them, what is important is your reaction to them. You can either fully accept that they're or you can get worked up and fight them because you think you can some how get rid of them. It's more about transcending the ego which is realising you aren't it but be aware that at least at first, it will still make the same noise it always has 

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@adramaay This self-actualization stuff by Leo is just a way next to many other ways.

Leo found his way and shares it with who ever it may concern. 

Taking the classical point of view, yoga has four limbs; raja (meditation), jnana (knowledge), karma (service) and bhakti (love). You see on this site its mostly about jnana and raja.

As I understand your message correctly, you give me the feeling you need more bhakti and karma. So check it out.

Everyone is having his unique character and having his own unique way.9_9

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