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About adramaay

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    Asheville, NC
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  1. @FocusOnTruth You are completely right. That's exactly why I am persistently trying to find a hole in Leo's videos, even when I'm pretty sure it's not actually possible.
  2. I have started self-actualization about a year ago. After this year I can say I have learned about some of its core ideas, but I have improved only a bit. The thing that bothers me is the time I have to spend in order to achieve those goals. Don't get me wrong here, I understand it takes time and I didn't even fully started yet. I will continue working to at least try to get the full result. What annoys me is the idea of the fighting ego. Leo always says, it's not complicated and it's already here - you just have to see it, when on the other hand it requires 10, 30 or even 100 years of work. The ego is protecting itself to survive, but since it doesn't exist - it can't protect itself at all. I personally hate competition and it very hard for me to accept a fight with myself. I prefer not to compete with others, and at the same time I am preventing myself from finding out that I don't actually exist. While seeking integrity and inner-peace, I am exactly preventing myself from achieving it. I'm completely lost. I'm not complaining; I think that solving this issue can dramatically speed up the whole process for me, and I would really appreciate your help!
  3. Suspending judgement is one of the things I'm paying serious attention to right now, and I have to say that it's very beneficial. Although I started from a point where I was already very open to what other people were doing and thinking, I can still see a huge difference. The idea of diminishing our judgements applies mostly to the emotional value of people or ideas, not the person or idea as a whole. I am trying to stop putting people on an axis of good/bad (which of course has different labels), but I'm still marking it on the right/wrong axis. You want to find out if an idea is true or false, in order to know if you should follow it in your life. What is important here - it's rather grading than judging. While analyzing an idea or a person, you don't affiliate with it; there is no emotional reaction attached to it, therefore it will not affect you in the future. After all, you should to know who are people around you. For example, in order to find the right person to help you in changing your diet, you have to know who is able to do so. And you know you have to exclude people that you graded "He doesn't eat healthy", but at the same time you don't have to judge them as "fat". Following the thread, I am always trying to stay sceptic when I watch Leo's videos. I trust him a lot, but I think It's better to try to see the truth by myself even if I come to the same point at the end. I have never caught him though
  4. “Life is funny and it is interesting how we make it as serious as possible.” ―Elisha Cuthbert
  5. Thank you all guys, I knew I can find someone that have tried it on this forum. @NariusV I know it makes scheduling my day a little bit more complicated, but I hope I will be able to try it out for at least 2-3 months. I have a possibility to organize my time independently right now, so experiencing a little can be interesting. @Sbartolek Thanks a lot, I will for sure study the website you linked. I don't want to go for the extreme schedules and I'm not planning to stop my exercising routine; I don't need to limit my sleep to only 2-3 hours a day. I wanted to experience with power naps and limit the core as much as I can, so I believe the Everyman that you recommended seems to be a good choice for me. I like working at night, but I have huge problem with getting up in the morning, so I feel tired the whole day. That was also the main reason I got interested in this.
  6. Recently, I got interested in polyphasic sleep. I know it gives you more time during the day, but I have a feeling that it can be harder to organize it. The next issue; is it healthy? It's better to feel refreshed rather than sleepy all the time. I don't know anyone who has experienced with it. Maybe someone here has already tried, I would really like to know your opinion.
  7. It's never too late to start working on yourself. This is the best thing you can invest in anyway, so there is always a reason to start. I see the full potential as a different issue. If you look at this situation right now, your full potential will be the state you can achieve by starting working immediately. I don't think that starting earlier would help in this case. Of course, you would have more time and you would be probably on a higher level, but your full potential would have still the same definition. There is no end in this process; at least, I can't imagine myself being sure of what I think. You should always look for more.