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The kalam cosmological argument

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It goes like this from wikipedia: 

''Whatever begins to exist has a cause;

The universe began to exist;


The universe has a cause.

The universe has a cause;

If the universe has a cause, then an uncaused, personal Creator of the universe exists who sans the universe is beginningless, changeless, immaterial, timeless, spaceless and enormously powerful. 


I'm not sure what to believe of it haha. What are your toughts? Is it sound, why and why not?

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59 minutes ago, tentacion said:

Whatever begins to exist has a cause


The error comes from assuming that reasoning about everything is subjugated to causes.
If everything has a cause, then does the fact that everything have a cause also have a cause?
The paradigm in which there is universal causality requires that this very causality is causeless.

To say that reality is causal is to say that causality is something more general than reality.
Reality is something, which (by definition) is everything, so it is the top-most generality which includes all other.
Causality has to be born within reality, and governs at most a subset of it.

Under close examination, the notion of reality is a paradox, so reasoning about is illogical.
Paradoxically, it is precisely what allows reality to be itself because, by necessity, it has to include everything.
Once you assume a paradox, you can prove anything (which you did in the original post).

Edited by tsuki

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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Divine love convinced me that a higher power and intelligence exists. Actually, God is after all a good word as that is where I felt this love and energy came from, it somehow made it clear to me as well. The kalam cosmological argument is NOT a bad argument, but no rational logical argument can lead you to God, to know God.

Go within, that is the path to God. Everything in the earths and in the heavens praise and glorify Him, if you just knew. He is the One and Only God, the Omnipotent, the All-loving, the All-pervading, the Omnipresent, the only true Good and Light of this existence and reality. His gentle love will leave you speechless, all you can do is cry and cry. He is both your own Self and also separate/outside yourself, as there is nothing He cannot do or be.

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