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Fasting, working

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I am considering to do a water fast next week. However I have to go to work also. My work is not too demanding, but it is physical and I have to be standing all day.

Do you think it should be ok?

Use the Prayer Swat Team!

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If this is your first fast then start with just one day. Then next week see if you can do three perhaps or continue to intermittently fast for one day per week for consistent detoxification I’d recommend.

Remember that fasts are for health benefits primarily , and are not really for spiritual growth. This is because on a fast it will be harder to concentrate when you are hungry, or have less energy which you would’ve received from food (unless you remain completely still in meditation). They do provide spiritual experiences and visions which I’ve had similar to psychedelics but that’s only if you go over 10 days :) 

I know you probably want to jump on in and detox yourself all at once! Yet the gradual approach is much healthier for your bodies energetic and physical systems to handle. The most important change to make over any fasting is that of your diet, just buy everything from your local farmers market, mix up all the ingredients into a salad; or juice them up, enjoy the process of nourishing your temple with beautiful food that is full of life; and eat once or twice daily.

There are many benifits to these shorter fasts and healthier diet; most important of which I’ve found is having so much more energy, and much greater levels of concentration. The benefits of even these two simple things for one on a spiritual path is extraordinary at times; when you bring this energy into your meditation, and doing what you love. Many doctors visits will be saved as well.

I learnt this lesson the hard way so take heed my friend. I tried to do 28 day fasts, and not eat at all for weeks at a time thinking it would help me spiritually grow; and all it did was hinder it because in meditation my body was so tired that I couldn’t concentrate on my heart.

As Ramana Maharishi said, “Fast the thoughts, but not the body (for an extended period of time)”. Even Jesus’ 40 day fast in the wilderness was not of food, but of his thoughts. You could never fast, eat only meat, have sex 20 times a day, be very unhealthy; and still become enlightened if you focused on the love in your heart, or the self as Ramana calls it! It would be harder, yes, because the mind and emotional body goes wild on lots of food but you see my point!

In conclusion, fasting the mind of thoughts is the best fast you could possibly do; go for it for weeks by instead focusing on either your breathe, rising and falling of the chest or your heart for weeks or indefiantly instead of your thoughts and emotions. Doing small fasts, and having a clean diet will go a long way in deepening your focus; with many benefits I have not mentioned.

There is so much more to say here, but ill let you really take this in because it’s important; all from direct experience. In a few months you can try doing a week long fast; but first let’s make sure you are doing a 24/7 spiritual practice of some kind rooted in pure love, and have a cleaner body. 


Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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@Solace Thanks! Great answer! I did fasting in the past for 1, 2 and 3 days. However I stopped doing it in the last few months and some junk food creeped into my diet.

I thought I could do a longer fast right now and clean the temple thoroughly. But I see you have experience and I will defenietly take your advice about doing it gradually into consideration

I will start the fast and will continue according to how I feel I guess. No need to push myself too much.

Use the Prayer Swat Team!

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That would be very wise. Think of the tortoise and the hare. It will avoid many ego backlashes that occur when you make radicle shifts. 

Since you have done 3 days before, there is no reason not to start there again :) 

I eat only when my body is tells me too, which is a little meal every day. Such a sense develops the less you eat it seems!

I wish you the the absolute best for your health. Cleaning and healing your body/vessel for your soul out of your own kindness and love for this part of your being.

Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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