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Examples for Systemic Oppression

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I'm curious about where you think/feel that you and your group is systemically oppressed by society, the status quo...

This thread is about sharing your experiences about where you feel oppressed in any way based on your group (identity). 

  • How does it manifest for you?
  • How do you percieve it? 
  • Where does it affect your life?
  • Are there maybe expectations you feel you have to fulfill because of you groop. Or any preconceptions you feel are subjected towards you?
  • ...

What I don't want in this thread is arguing against something, somebody shared here. Not even to "try to help" the other. This is not a place for political debates but for sharing your perspective.

What I also don't want here is speaking for someone else. Only personal experiences here please!


I think this thread can be helpful in two ways: First we would get a collection of perspectives and to see what other people/groups are struggeling with. And second maybe formulating it, putting it into words and contemplating the matter might help you to see it clearer for yourself.

I thank everyone who shares their experiences, thoughts, feelings here in advance. I'm not sure if this will work for this is a charged topic and things I'm asking for here may be personal and make you feel vulnerable. Anyway lets give it a try :).




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Systemic oppression is not exactly a topic in the realm of self actualization. We are supposed to talk about self actualization issues here. Not, social issues.

That said, I had been subject to real systemic oppression. Military conscription. I was subject to the choice between military conscription and several years of prison sentence. It's real systemic oppression because government directly oppressed me. It wasn't subtle systemic oppression. It was direct brutal systemic oppression. End of argument.

Another apparent systemic oppression that most of you went through is compulsory education. Your government and your parents force you to go to school and learn things that you will forget soon. It's waste of time. I want my future children to be unschooled and find their passions.

Yet another apparent systemic oppression is jury duty. I hope that governments hire jurors from labor markets. It shifts the legal costs from government and tax payers to innocent people who were summoned to serve as jurors. People lose jobs and significant amount of income because of jury duty. What happened to equitable distribution of social costs? Why does government not distribute the legal costs equally among people by hiring jurors and imposing jury tax on people?

If you exempted your children from those three duties, your children would be among the freest people on this planet. It's possible to exempt your children, but it requires international marriage and permanent residence permit for your children.

Edited by CreamCat

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@Outer Systemic oppresion exists. Read my previous reply. Systemic oppression is visually apparent in the form of military conscription and compulsory education.

Edited by CreamCat

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I have a hunch this topic will veer in an ugly direction. Sorry. I know your intention was good, but let's not focus on political issues too much here.

Notice how every political topic turns into the ego-mind justify its rightness. This is self-bias 101. The point of our work here with self-actualization is to become hyper aware of our own self-biases and put an end to them, rather than feeding them, the way political discussions usually do.

Notice that 99% of what your mind thinking is self-agenda unfolding. Try to find a single thought you had today which wasn't related to advancing your survival. Watch yourself like a hawk. Nothing out of your mind is to be trusted as valid, truthful, or fair.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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