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Where To Start, "brain Fog", Being Sure Of Something

6 posts in this topic

Hello everyone,

I have been lurking on the forums for about a week or two now. And I am fairly certain there are some people with good knowledge of some of the topics that I have questions about.  I am not entirely sure if this would be the correct place to ask, if at all. But I will try it anyways. Btw, for what it's worth, I am a 21yo male :)

So I have quite a list of questions. Things that have kind of 'bothered' me over the time, and some things I kind of discovered lately.
I think I will just list them out and write some explaination beneath it.

  • Personal Development. Where to start?
    • So I have some personal issues, or things I would like to improve. And I have been watching a decent amount of the videos from Leo. And seen a lot of different topics all throughout the website and the forum. I feel some kind of interest, towards practically all the topics. However, It is kind of a lot to chew all at once. 
      So my question on this part, where would you start on the path of personal development? What would be the/your list of importance?
      What would be the way to go for it? Go from topic to topic, or kind of dive more into the specific and once you feel you've got the knowledge you want, you shift to the next most important thing  to you?
  • Brain "fog"
    • So for the last couple of months I have been trying to do commentaries on YouTube videos(100+). And you might be thinking like, 'oh that is that kind of dude', but I just got some questions that arose during that experience. 
      I feel like I have a lot of brain 'fog'. I don't know if that is the proper description, but I shall explain. 
      During a lot of these commentaries I found out that I have kind of trouble sticking to topics. It feels like my mind kind of wanders around quite quickly. That it is hard to like grab the topic that I want to talk about and say everything on it. As if there is like some 'fog', distorting the thought process or anything like that.
      I am wondering if there are people who have any experience, or know any way to improve "a clear thought". (instructions, practices, books, anything). I hope the explaination is oke, if not please let me know so I can rephrase better.
  • Being sure of something
    • This topic is maybe a little vague, or at least in my perspective. Ever since I was in Highschool I had those kind of 'stages'/'hypes' around certain things. My friends would give me a lot of smack for changing my mind and not sticking to 'my plan'. Like, 'i'm going to save money for a new pc' or 'save money for a new guitar'. 
      And this kinds of things have evolved into interests as well. One day I might be very interested in playing guitar. And this might stick for a couple of days untill I find something else. Like investment market. Where I would try to research things for a few hours untill I am like "nah, that is not something for me". And these things fluctuate all throughout my day(s) as I try to find kind of a life passion. 
      So how would I be able to get to the point of "I am going to do this, and I will stuck with this"? (I've got to say, in the last few months my only 'real' interest was psychology or personal development related topics. This was something that would tickly my interest and I might pursue a study of psychology. But unsure what kind of job career I would go etc... )(I am genuinly interested in this topic, just saying :P)
  • Uncomfortable in being honest & giving compliments
    • This is something that I have been kind of dealing with ever since I got a little older. I feel really uneasy giving people any sort of feedback. Whenever someone tells me "I just ran 10miles", I really seem to struggle to say "Good job, you're on the right track" or something positive towards that comment. I tend to shrug it off like, "gg" or "nice". And this flows into the part of compliments as well. I find it hard to just say: "hey good job! You worked well today" or "Nice new shoes you've got there!". I feel really awkward giving people compliments. Also when someone is possibly really annoying I tend to not say anything. As if it is like really hard to hurt someones feelings, but also to make people feel better about stuff.
      So I was really curious about the specific topic in self development for this part as this is something I really want to better. 

So if anyone has any tips, videos, books, articles, comments or anything else. I would really be interest in your word of advice :)

My mind is full of questions, but this kind of boils down to the main ones I have.

Last of all, I want to say I kind of sorry for this long essay, but it felt kind of good to voice these things out to be honest.

Thanks for reading I really appreciate it, and hopefully anyone has any tips,
Have a good day ! :)

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I think a meditation habbit is the most powerful of all. At least for me B|

By the looks of it, you suffer from monkey mind. And it creates the fog, makes you restless and focused too much on immediate results.

Personal development, is a 1000 jorney, which is built 1 step at a time, and in a beautiful way they all connect to singular path of feeling on track.It's about connecting the dots and see a new big picture. Start very small, and see what bugs you the most. Being mindful is important to find clues of these troubling thoughts.


I hope i could help dude.

Welcome and good luck fellow travler ;)

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You need to do a LOT more study and research to orient yourself within this field. Any new field you enter requires some time for laying the theortical groundwork so that you start to have at least a basic map of what's possible and how things ought to be prioritized. Right now you're like a rat in a maze asking if you should turn left or turn right. The proper solution is to zoom out and study the maze from a birds-eye-view.

What does this practically mean? Lots of reading, watching videos, taking notes, and introspection. Don't be afraid of getting a bit nerdy and theoretical. This is a necessary first step to get your bearings straight.

In other words, gather your intel.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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If i've understood your first question your asking: how can I really start personal development? Personally I've start with meditation. But my tips is: make a list that you want to improve, and then search some personal development technique or video that can help you on that; it's better to focus on what you want right now, it will help you and enable you to learn more about personal development and so with the time having the "bird eye view". If you lack of idea I suggest you to start a morning routine, make a habits of meditation and a habits of positive affirmations or visualisations (like visualize yourself giving compliment to people, seems really silly I know but trust me it work!). 

A good video to start pratically your journey on personal development is this one 

Hope I helped you :)

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Thanks everyone for reading and reacting :)

I will definitly try and plan out my stuff more. I think I will mainly focus more on the confidence part because I think I can use a bit. I shall also watch the video you posted @Ray. Also I tried my first meditation yesterday. Nothing spectacular as expected from the first time, but I will try to do it every day now.
Thanks everyone :)

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