Greg O

Genghis Khan Enlightened?

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In Ramaji's book 1000, he includes a list of historical figures and their corresponding level of consciousness (LOC) from 1-1000. I was surprised and confused to see Genghis Khan listed with a 1000 LOC. I had always assumed his conquests were a result of satisfying some ego trip. Maybe I am misunderstanding the levels of consciousness, but I don't understand how you can spend your life raping and pillaging and be at LOC 1000 (the highest possible level of consciousness). Lol maybe it was just his dharma? Thoughts?

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from what I know from the book of Ra Genghis khan is a negative enlightenment

our earth has mostly beings who come for a positive enlightenmnent, and rarely beings who seek to evolve among the negative path, the path of self-serving

Edited by Arkandeus

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@Greg O You should actually read a biography of Genghis Kahn. The Mongols did not just rape and pillage out of the blue. They gave their enemies many opportunities to surrender and join their empire peacefully.

From today's era you can look at Genghis Kahn or Muhammad as a bloodthirsty warlord. But from their own eras, you can look at them as civilizing influences in their regions. As evil as an empire may appear, an empire is more evolved and civilized than a horde of warring tribes (who actually do a lot of random raping and pillaging).

What most people fail to appreciate it what it takes to start a civilization. It doesn't happen through rainbows and butterflies. There was no United Nations back then, it had to be built from scratch.

People like Saddam Hussein are not comic book villains as they are often portrayed. These leaders are rough and brutal because that is the kind of environment they are faced with. You cannot just bring democracy to people. They have to be evolved enough to handle it.

Building a new civilization can be a dirty business.

P.S. I have no idea whether the Kahn was actually enlightened. If I had to bet, I would say not.

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@Leo Gura Thanks for the detailed response. That’s an interesting perspective. And after doing some research I think I agree with you. I would imagine that the common public opinion on a lot of historical figures is highly inaccurate. Sort of eye opening... Can’t just take shit on faith. Gotta do your own research and form your own opinions. :) 

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20 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Greg O You should actually read a biography of Genghis Kahn. The Mongols did not just rape and pillage out of the blue. They gave their enemies many opportunities to surrender and join their empire peacefully.

Apparently those deals tended to be of the kind "hand over all you gold and daughters, or we slaughter your entire population" Like the armed robber giving you the opportunity to peacfully hand over your wallet. 

Ghengis Khan seems like a megalomanic psychopat. He murdered his brother over some minor quarrel, and the civilian massacres he carried out were comparable to the Holocaust. Apparently he viewed city dvellers as subhumans only fit for subservience/slavery. 

Edited by Erlend K


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@Erlend K Just be mindful of applying 21st century ideals to people from 1000 years ago. You probably have no idea what life was like back then.

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