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Materialism should end

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Forget about the materialistic view that matter is the fundemental reality. Physics says that everything material is not really solid matter, only energy is real. But my true problem with materialism is that it destroys the human spirit.

To Maslow, the highest need is the spiritual, the desire for self-actualization. But as mother Therese observed while being in the United States, the people are impoverished in spirit. I have been the western world myself and I can see that spirituality and faith is low. That's because, if only matter is real, then material possessions are the only reasonable foundation for happines and a good life. The truth is the opposite, materialism leads at best to crime, suicide, disease, and other problems. Spiritually, it keeps you primitive and locked.

Science needs to do more research on consiousness as they will find out that it's all there is, if it is even possible to scientifically know that. Most importantly, they need to tell the world that matter is in fact unreal.

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2 hours ago, Highest said:

Materialism should end

Causality is materialism. You seek food because hunger is there. It forces you; there is no choice. 

Spirituality is beyond causality. It is not caused by anything; it is your inner choice. No one can create any situation in which you can become enlightened.  You may choose, you may not choose. 

No one can be spiritualistic if his or her children are dying of hunger. Indulge yourself in some materialism feed your family and only then you can move towards spirituality.

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