
Group psychology if consist of nothing but clones of you?

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Group psychology is a strange phenomenon. Any group, even spiritual ones(like Osho's community) suffer from greed, power struggles, hirachy, popularity issues, etcetera.

Seem like some kind of animal instinct kick in when people find themselves in a group. To be approved of becomes insanely important. And people like to flatrering the leader in order to gain popularity.

Lets face som Sad facts here.. There is no such thing as a completely healthy group, at least Not from a spiritual enlightenment perspective. 

How about a hypothetical scenario. If there was a group that consisted of nothing But clones of you, let us say a houndered of them, living close together. Would that group work idealistic? Would it be an utopian group, one of its kind? Or like any other conventional group with similar downsides as all other groups, with the same traits and issues? 

I would like to think that a group with only "MarkusSwedes" would be an idealistic perfect group without any flaws. ?

But That's an naive assumption Maybe? How would group psychology work within a group with only a multiple of "you"? 

Please elaborate! ?

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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it already is, every group is. everyone here on the forum is you. you're talking to yourself ;)

hahah no honestly, that's what I've read and heard. I also had a glimpse of that on a trip. I sometimes read a comment and get a really weird feeling like 'oh shit. familiar. too familiar. this could literally be me' like I resonate so much with it that it becomes creepy. but I don't live, act, write or speak from that place..(hopefully yet) must be utterly mindfuck and amusing

whatever arises, love that

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