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Hello from Russia

What do you think of Transurfing reality (Vadim Zeland)

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So I bet many of you have read or at least heard of this series of books written by russian guy Vadim Zeland. 
"Zeland states in his autobiography that he used to be a quantum mechanics physicist and later a computer technologist." - it is a quote from wikipedia
Whats your opinion on his work and more importantly content in it? 

Edited by Hello from Russia

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Huge fan from what I've seen, it's a bit out there but I agree entirely with the notion that "reality is free to manifest itself in infinite variety", and that a key to living the good life is to quit placing over-importance on things (it's very important to stop finding things important O.o).

It's the difference between an athlete whose focused on the process and whose happiness is independent of outcome, versus one who cares sooo much about doing well, that he psyches himself out. Or a person trying to break a bad habit / accomplish a goal who cares sooo much about it that they self-sabotage. Or a boyfriend who cares soooo much about his relationship with his girlfriend, that she loses interest. 

Happiness comes from within and nothing external will ever fulfill you! Ego keeps asking what's next, how can this be better, and fears losing external sources of happiness to the point of not even being able to enjoy them. And even if you got everything external you could ever dream of, you won't for very long. 

There's a lot more neat info about souls and pendulums and such that I'd need to refresh myself on before attempting to describe... but highly recommend checking it out if you're interested!

“Curiosity killed the cat.”


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