
Actualed.org Youtube Videos? Help!

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Hello People of Actualized.org my name is Lee and I have noticed these videos are really changing my life & helping dramatically. I am currently trying to watch all of Leos videos on his Youtube page until i get caught up with them but i notice some of the videos are old and are without the black screen. Its unfortunate that i am not caught up and up to date with all the videos but i would really like some input on if watching the videos in order would matter or make a difference on the effect of my self actualizing??? Please Help! I could really use some feedback here and i dont want to mess up my self actualizing routines by watching these videos in the wrong order if it makes a difference... Thanks!

Edited by HirJohns188

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Hello, welcome to the community! I haven't watched all his videos too. The important thing is to get the messages and take action. In my opinion, the quality and content of his videos get better in the later videos. Not that the past videos are bad. I tend to just watch the videos from the title and content, what relates to me and my current situations, what I need to improve on. There are different contents directed at different groups of people. Enlightenment, meditation videos and videos for external success in life. Money, relationships, sex. ^_^ 

So you don't want to mess up and watch them in wrong order... Hmm, take a bite out of everything, the different categories. Bring all the ideas together and connect the dots. Best of wishes for your self-actualisation journey!

Most of the people here are practicing Meditation and Mindfulness. They are the basic foundation.

Remember, everything comes at the right time. ;)

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Awesome thanks so much for your feed back it is highly appreciated!

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Leo has so much invaluable content that hits virtually every life subject. It's up to you to choose what wisdom you want to learn from him at any given moment. Finding a narrower path that leads quickly to self-actualization is where his premium program comes in, I believe.

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Actually, yesterday I started watching all of actualized.org videos from the very first one.


Some of the videos I've never watched and some of them I've watched for at least 5 times, but now I will watch very single one of them.

I've noticed that these videos have a positive effect even if they are about not the most important topic for you and even if you are not taking action. Just the idea, information, insight, point of view, advice contained in the video will stay in your mind, change your mindset and your worldview for a little bit better. So, you will never regret the time spent watching these videos at least once. All of them are useful. 

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@HirJohns188 I suggest you watch foundational ones and pick whatever topic you want. Then you get enough juice from videos, see how they fit your life. Point of Leo's videos is not gathering information, buf behavior change. Then go do spiritualy videos.

"Repeat a lie a thousand times and it becomes the truth."

Dr. joseph Goebbels

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The order is not important but It may be useful to concentrate in what resonate the most with you and your concerns, also for avoid information overload I would suggest to use the 80/20 Rule: Focus on the Top 20% — Identify the 20% of your effort that's responsible for 80% of your results. Also be  careful for Theory vs Practice Ratio, your growth and results will stall if the ratio between your theory and practice gets out of balance.

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I think it's a given that everyone here watches every video of Leo at least once. If you are serious about personal development of course. You might as well start from the very first and work your way to the newest.

The people who aren't serious about this are those who create waste threads with stupid questions like "tell me what to do" and "tell me what to think" instead of learning this from Leos videos and being self reliant. Take the responsibility 100% like Leos invites you to and watch all if his videos. You will learn so much from it! They are all amazing.

Edited by The Son

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