
The absolute insanity of existence as a propability

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(Please, do not dismiss what I have to say here just because oh non-dualism and epistemology, who cares. Also, when I say me or I I'm referring to the body that "has" perceptions)

This is something thats on my mind often.

Science tells a certain story about the big bang, formation of starts, planets, the sun, the earth, various phases of earth, and then we arrive at the start of evolution: something happened somehow and a distinction between life and death was born. Now there are all these living creatures, that then evolved into more complex forms and started to live more complex life. The dance between the laws of physics and evolution formed the nature we know today. Now:

If i toss a coin, there is a 50/50 chance that it will land on either side, and in terms of logic and chance this is a valid statement.

So if the above is true, we can say that if there are 100 male apes, and 100 female apes on a certain patch of forest, there is a probability that certain apes mate and have a certain baby ape from a certain sperm. The ape/forest setting is infinitely more complex system than a simple coin toss, as there are infinite variables that affect things. If NOTHING moves in the jungle, as in (mind)time stops and there is a state of "freeze", there is a 100% possibility that nothing happens. As soon as time starts to "roll again" the probabilities launch to infinity. 

Science (and my parents, haha) tells me that I'm a product of their actions. But if I trace my (body) existence down the family tree, and just START to consider my existence as a probability, the unlikeliness of my existence just blows beyond infinite just like that. To think that I'm a product of unbroken chain right from the first living organism to my parents, is absolutely insane. The unlikeliness is just... beyond words.

But here I am, nevertheless. From this I can only conclude that I MUST exist (as I do as what I really am is infinity, although Im awfully forgetful about that). The fact of my existence reveals that there is a really interesting paradox (or strangeloop) in probability as an idea being valid and unvalid at the same time. It tells something about nature that is valid, but at the same time it completely collapses on itself.

We truly cannot know for certain what happens after death. Yes, you can have non-dual experiences where you realize that there never was life or death, it's just a dance, a happening, but that experience does not give you any information about the "mechanics" of this dream and dying. YES you can become infinity, but that only tells you HOW it it is, not how it works. You can only make educated guesses.

So this leaves me contemplating: "What does the fact of my existence tell me about the nature and mechanics of death and existence?"

Now I'll do the thing I discouraged you guys to do:



(from Leos blog)

Edited by molosku

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@molosku “fact of my existence”? There is an answer for what happens after your “death”, but it includes the realization your “facts” are not. 



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@Nahm By fact I mean "I think, therefore I am", or (way more)  accurately "I think, therefore consciosuness" 

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@Nahm yea thanks, I was getting really worried my contemplations were going straight to the trash by almighty Nahm :P

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Well, the problem with your reasoning is solved by applying the "correct" theory for your domain.There is a theory for flipping a coin, which is a discrete occurrence and there is a theory for continuous processes.
If you want to calculate a probability that a given device fails during a period of one year - it is not the same as flipping a coin each microsecond for a year and seeing if it lands tails at any given moment.

If you would apply the correct theory however, there is no possibility to calculate probability of your existence, as you are not expressible in the language of mathematics. Even if you had a perfect mathematical theory of human being, interpreting yourself in terms of it to produce a numerical description is a creative task that introduces errors with unknown bounds. Not to mention that once you describe what you are, you are free to disregard this description and behave in exactly the opposite manner :)

My point is that probability of your existence is simply that: unknown. By assuming anything about it, you change what you are - your existence.

  1. You can say that it is impossible for you to exist and you would be right, as you are a unique human being - unlike any other.
  2. You can say that it is normal for you to exist and you would be right, as you are a human being and we have 7 billions of them.

Existence with any of the above assumptions would be correct and you are both a miracle and a totally mundane occurrence. I will even risk to say that you treat yourself as both, depending on your mood. 

Any mundane statement produces a whole, complete, perspective or a worldview. They are thankfully, temporal.

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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@tsuki yeah, i forgot to add "I have no idea how mathemarics of probability really works"  :D

Good stuff, thanks for your reply

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@molosku You're welcome. I really enjoyed what you wrote. That meme at the end was brilliant! :)

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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