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Dino D

Magnolia - Aimee Mann - Wise Up, question to think?

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It's more about the movie...

A guy cheated his wife, and left her and the kid

A woman cheated his man

A guy cheated his wife, and ,,touched" his child... 

And other charachters with more or less similar ,,problems"


Ok, thoose are all sins, especially ,,touching" the child, evan everything is relative but lets say thats just wrong, cheating in the light of poligamy and free sex is relative, but lying and not being truthfull to your partner is againg not that ,,good"...

Hoever, here is the question, and what is maybe wrong with the message of the movie... All those charachters had life long sins and hard guilt that hunted them big time, and the only solution would be that they confess and if this should ,,heal" it would probbably be necessery that the other person forgives them...?

But isnt that living in the past? Isnt that not real, isnt that not a problem of the ego? Cant they just accpet that, go one, still love them selfs, solve this internaly? just let go? Especialy if we think that everything is predeterminetad, thats who we are, and what we did, and how it is... Everybody has sins, and gulit (and what a sin is is relative and subjective for everyone, some sins more some less, some has guilt some not)... 

I didnt do such stuff like in the movie, but I have my sins and mistakes (like every one I know) and sometimes my past, or even my presents, hunts me, should I go out and tell and confess every lie what I said and that somehow borders me, should I go and try to make everything right? (and whats right and wrong its a question on its own), or should I meditate, and let go, accept and love my self and those things?

I think it's a shame if something that you did hunts you 4ever and that you cant let go if you dont ,,confess," especially if it makes no effects in the now or in the future... So imagine the guy who cheated his wife once, and is fucked up because of that, the next 40 years, but everything is fine, the wife and kids happy (there is no such character in the movie) but a guy who ,,touched" his child, and such sin has ,,side effects" the whole life for him and for the child (so thats something that should be ,,fixed" and that is accepteble for a lifelong guilt, or not)?

Please dont moralize over my examples, (I tried not to put in my own opinion in examples, only to write down some apects and point of views) those are examples, lets find out whats the general rule and a concreate way to act in situation like this (on hunting personal ,,sins" or mistakes), or similar to this???  


Bonus: Because of language problems, can somebody explain to me the meaning of the song? what does it simplyfied want to say? (when i translate the words, word by word, somehow its not really clear whats the conclusion from that song) thx ;)

Edited by Dino D
bad english-not precise, I corrected some words,

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Sins, wrongs, goods and miracles - these are all expressions of "morality" as a mental framework through which one understands the occurring circumstances. What this mode of being tries to achieve is to impose an order for all possible situations that a person may end up finding himself in.

When a given situation is known to be worse than another situation, it is easy to tell what the course of action should be. In short - morality is an attempt to create rules that would allow for automatic solving of life. A direction through which one would elevate his existence.

The problem with morality is that it is impossible to create an absolute system that would not break itself in trying to maintain its operation.
For example:

  1. It is bad to kill, unless there is a war.
  2. It is bad to rape, unless inmates in prison rape each other. Then it is called justice.
  3. It is bad to imprison an unwilling person, unless the person broke the laws.
  4. etc.

The other problem is that morality is relative and mostly unconscious. Once a person tries to take responsibility for his own morality, a question arises: Which morality is correct? In other words: What are the rules for establishing rules? There are none, as this is a problem of infinite regress.

Each moral statement is a double-edged sword. It tries to fix a problem by introducing another problem.
If a person enters a relationship and expects it to last for his whole life, he may establish the rule that "one shall never cheat on a partner". But then of course this is the very condition that ends a relationship! How do you expect to stop a relationship from falling apart by introducing a stopping condition? Wouldn't it make more sense to say I'm going to stick to this person no matter what? 

No! That's another moral statement that is dependent on the other person not leaving you. There is no possibility to produce a moral statement that does not introduce possibility for suffering! The very reason to produce one is to prevent it, and yet - by creating it you prime yourself for it!

The other example is touching a child, or more generally - problem of suffering.
Morality tries to prevent suffering by introducing rules, and yet - suffering is the main driving force of change.
To molest a child in order for it to grow is a disgusting idea, and yet - not as long as few hundred years ago, we did it.
We made little girls marry grown men and we were absolutely sure that we did it for their own good!
How are we sure that the current state of affairs is absolutely correct, when we were proven wrong so many times before?
Is it simply because we believe that there is progress through time? That we've learned from our mistakes? Don't even get me started on that idea.

The third problem is a psychological one. By claiming full responsibility for an outcome, you belittle involvement of independent factors. By saying that you caused an event, you try to elevate yourself by saying that you were in control over what happened. This is Ego talking, trying to keep the driver's seat. How many children raised by alcoholics sweared not to EVER drink only to cave in and beat their wife during an alcohol-induced rage? By claiming responsibility they uphold the illusion that they have control over their life - the control that made them drink in the first place. Morality is no escape from the cycle. It is not its cause either. Morality is just a funny idea that you tell yourself so that you can sleep better.

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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@tsuki very sharp! I have now a much deeper inside on the structure and mehanisms from the topics in my post.

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Hahaha, the only reason I would call someone sharp is to say that they are being a smartass ?

I will watch the movie in the next few days and post back with more ideas.

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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