
Flow, confusion, detachment

5 posts in this topic

I'm pretty thrilled about the episode of confusion and how to handle it.

I have managed to become utterly accepting towards confusion, to the point it almost feels like I'm half-assing my practise - My question:

Can confusion become a trap of becoming less judgmental/reflective about your progress with practises/work or is it ultimately the key to flow states? I'm just curious since I have managed to shift my view towards practising/working so dramatically within such a short period of time that it feels completely off.



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Can you give more details plz, I'm having a hard time to understand the question personally.

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Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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I have a hard time grasping the ease and flow-like states I attain when letting go of the need to know. Can this be mistaken for complacency?

Thank you

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Grasping and needing to know are what destroys or covers the ease and flow. There is no one being complacent in ease and flow.


Edited by dorg

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@dorg Cheers, that's what I'm finding in my own experience too. I'm just so used to clinging to knowing, I have been completely oblivion to this neurosis. 


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