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Insights and Ramblings: My Path to Enlightenment

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4 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@ZenBlue You.

Hmmm ok

2 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Love is Everything. 

Actual Love is what THIS is. It's you. 

Do self inquiry not by thinking sit still and feel just feel. Pure sensations. 

I can tune into the sensations and feeling the love, but I guess it's just something I can't seem to describe or put into words.

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So stay as it. Drop thinking about what you are. Feel what you are. Be IT you always are IT. Peace of cake. 

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4 minutes ago, ZenBlue said:

I can tune into the sensations and feeling the love, but I guess it's just something I can't seem to describe or put into words.

You can't solve it with your mind. It will make sense after you get it, not before. Just be. And notice how much resistance there is to just being. You will sit and feel. And you may get anxious and start thinking. Then you will go seeking again, because how can it be so simple, how can it be so simple where you just sit and be.

Try it. Just sit and be. Bet the mind will drag you away from yourself.

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3/4/2020 Wednesday

I have been seeing a lot of synchronicities every single day for the past few months. On a daily basis, I see numbers such as 1111, 333, 444, 777 etc...  I am receiving these signs from the universe. I haven't fully interpreted everything that's been coming to me, but the general message I got was that I am on the right path. I am being divinely guided so I need to let go of negative thoughts and emotions. I need to be more present and aware. The world works in mysterious ways. I need to balance myself between the spiritual and physical realm. I'm getting better at letting go the need to know.

There is a constant battle going on within me. This same inner battle is going on in everyone else as well and this manifests into this world in many ways. This battle is between the light and the dark. The battle between positive and negative energy. Sometimes I am in high vibrations and get into very euphoric states. This is the state everyone is striving to be in. I'm not able to hold this state for long periods of time however. Sometimes I'm attacked fiercely by negative energy and I do get affected by it. When this happens, I am in lower vibrations and I receive a lot more negative thoughts. This puts me into a lower energetic state and causes me to engage in a lot of low consciousness behavior. I have come a long way from how I used to be though. I don't stay in these lower states for long. There is a constant pull between the positive and negative. I'm able to reach higher vibration states more frequently, and I'm able to stay there longer regardless of my circumstances and whatever is going on around me.

I have made immense levels of progress on my self-actualization journey. I need to take the time to step back and appreciate where I am and how far I've come. There is no destination to reach, and it's all about the journey. Enjoy the journey and the process. Be present in the moment and be grateful for what you have. It's so easy to get caught up in trying to achieve the goal or get to the specific thing. That becomes an endless chase of going after the next thing without ever being happy where you are. We have no limits, so there is no ultimate place we can reach. We are absolutely limitless. So just enjoy the journey because there is no place to get to. Life is infinite.

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3/6/2020 Friday

Today I am tuned into higher vibrations. I am in a state of euphoria and gratitude. I feel the high of life that has been described by many highly conscious people. I am also aware I need to remain grounded and stabilize my emotions because if I let it ride too high, then the energy will come crashing down and I will get pulled into a lower vibration state. I know this from direct personal experience where I have gone through that cycle many times throughout my life.

Since I have been meditating regularly for 4 years now, I am able to ground myself and regulate my emotions a lot better than I used to. I am also aware of not letting my emotions get too high or too low. Instead, now I am able to feel this euphoric state and maintain it for longer periods of time without letting it ride too high. As I sit here typing this, I am able to enjoy the simple pleasure of just sitting and breathing. How wonderful it feels just to even be able to breathe fresh air.

I am so grateful to be alive in this present moment and to be able to enjoy so much undeserved privilege. I am aware that I have been blessed deeply in life just by being born in the USA, and being alive in this current time period. I have a fully functioning and healthy body. That is something most people take for granted, but that in itself is a privilege. A healthy body is a luxury, not a right. In this current time period, I am living far better off than kings from hundreds of years ago. How blessed I am to be alive today.

Thank you God for blessing me with a wonderful life. God, universe, the higher self, consciousness, whatever you want to call it... all points back to the same thing. Life is a miracle and is something I have a deep appreciation for. Life is amazing.

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3/10/2020 Tuesday

Seeing through the illusion (Maya). I have learned to see past the many layers of illusions created by society.

My third eye is open and I'm still working on improving my ability to use it. My experience hasn't been mystical and glamorous like how it's portrayed. It feels rather ordinary and mundane. The feeling of using the third eye is very similar to day dreaming or using imagination in your mind. It is like I see things in my minds eye and I have an inner knowing about things. I receive thoughts and information that resonate as true within me. I now see beyond the illusions of society. Sometimes as soon as I wake up I have insights come pouring into me.

The human world is an incredibly dark and mad world. Most of society has gone insane. Sometimes, the people who are the most sane look insane to society, and the people who look the most sane in society are actually the most insane of them all. I do not demonize and criticize the world because this insanity is born from ignorance and fear, yet it is terrifying because there is so much destruction and pain as a result of this madness. I am not above any of it, as I have contributed to the insanity during my period of ignorance. Now I am still attached to my ego and I enjoy the luxuries of the human world. I have a deep love and compassion for humanity because in between all the madness, there is still some good left in the world. Humans have an endless capacity to be evil and an endless capacity to be good. I am not separate from any of it so I do not have any right to demonize or judge it.

By learning to accept myself as I am, I am better able to accept the world as it is. Judge less, and forgive more. That is the essence of love. 

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@ZenBlue How did you open your third eye?

I'm in the process of opening mine now. I've only opened it fully once on LSD, otherwise it's just cracking and slightly popping but no full opening.

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@Raptorsin7 I didn't do any one specific thing to open it. It happened naturally as a by product of many little things that happened over time. For instance, I have been meditating regularly now for 4 years. Also I have experimented with some psychedelics. Even around 8 years ago I had a profound experience while raving on MDMA. It was really random and unexpected, but I remember in that moment I felt so much love for the world and realized how deeply connected we all were. Back then I wasn't really into spirituality and I didn't know it was an awakening experience.

Also I was meditating regularly by accident during my teen years while I was in high school. This happened by accident because I had some mild insomnia where I couldn't fall asleep easily. Many nights I would lie in bed for 2 - 3 hours just observing my thoughts. I didn't know back then, this was a form of meditation, also known as the do nothing meditation. So I think by the time I really started to dive deeper and become serious about spirituality, I had already had a few small moments of awakening throughout the years.

I think now it's because I have accumulated a lot of these small awakening moments over time that my third eye is open and I am able to see more clearly. I still have times where I go into lower consciousness states, and I would say I still have to work on strengthening my third eye. But, yes I still get many profound insights coming in on a regular basis.

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@ZenBlue Hmm, maybe we have a different definition.

I also get profound insights and see the world differently, but i don't consider my third eye opened. Maybe i want my crown shakra opened, and i've been mislaebling the chakras?

How do you know if your third eye is open?

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@Raptorsin7 Well for me personally, it's because I get an inner knowing. I can describe it like being a mind's eye. It is an inner eye within you that gives you a sense of being able to see the reality of human nature. You can watch and observe how people are acting and creating these false illusions and stories. And when you are outside of it, it is so clear what they are doing yet they seem to be totally unaware of the illusions being played out.

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3/11/2020 Wednesday

Take back your power by acknowledging and owning up to the creator within. All of us have a divine being within us. Everything that happens to us is happening within us. We tend to attribute all of our emotions and life's problems to the world outside of us, but that is just an illusion. When a person is born into this world as an infant, that infant has no attachments to anything. The infant does not know what anything is. The infant learns to create meanings to objects and attaches to those meanings over time as a byproduct of the environment it grows up in. The outside environment has an influence on a person as they grow and develop, but it is within that person that everything is created. A person who is fully enlightened and awake has fully acknowledged the creator within and thus is not influenced by the outside world anymore.

For example, we like to think a person has stolen from me, so therefore I am angry. It is easy to create a story in your head that this object is yours and a person has violated your rights by stealing what you have called yours. Then from this story that is played within you, you produce an emotion that we label as anger. If you observe this carefully, then you realize the emotion is created within you. The outside force did not cause you to be angry. You created the anger from within. The outside world did not create the meaning and attachments you have to your objects. You created the stories, and the meanings from within.

Happiness then, can never be obtained from anything outside of us. People are constantly in search of happiness and mistakenly believe that happiness comes from the things outside of them. Happiness is merely a label to describe a feeling. This feeling is created and happens within you. You do not need any external validation to create the feeling of happiness. Just decide you want to be happy and create that feeling from within. You can then simply be with that feeling without letting outside factors dictate how you feel within. You do not need anyone's permission to be happy. Decide for yourself that you are happy and be it.

There is no need to suffer because the suffering is created from within. Let go of the attachment to suffering and release it.

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3/13/2020 Friday

Many people are in a state of uncertainty and fear due to the Coronavirus going around. WHO has declared it a pandemic and many people are in a panic over this issue. While it's important to take precautions and do what you can to protect yourself, panicking will not help anyone. I understand where it's coming from though. Fear spreads just like a virus and often times it spreads faster and causes more damage than any disease. Something like this disrupts the world and breaks through the illusion of control. People are faced with the stark reality of how little they actually have control over and must deal with the uncertainty of life.

The panicking and hoarding of toilet paper stems from the need to feel a sense of control. Although I do not know what the outcome of this disease will be, I am remaining at ease. No one knows how long this virus will continue to spread and if a cure will be made readily available soon. Whatever the outcome, human beings have proven to be an incredibly resilient and creative species. In the end, everything has a way of working out.

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3/13/2020 Friday Part 2

The beauty of the infinite strange loop that is life. The process of waking up is an endless game. At times, there is great pain and sorrow. At times there is so much ugliness and darkness. But at the core of it all is an endless love. The love within is so powerful and so beautiful that it instantly wipes out all the pain and sorrow. It is all worth it just to feel this love. Let go of fear and step into love.

I still continue my journey completely lost and uncertain about life. Am I really lost though? It may seem like it on the surface, but when I realize that there is nowhere to be but here and now. Then I am not lost at all. I'm already here. There is no place to get to. There is only the present moment.

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@ZenBlue Yeah the hysteria is getting out of control, it's tough. This pandemic could last months, and the way people are responding it's going to 6 months of fear based survival thinking. 

Do you have any concern about the virus? I have 0, but idk if that's wise or foolish.

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@Raptorsin7 I am not concerned about the virus either. I'm just aware of it and just need to do the basics of protecting myself. I am a bit concerned about the hysteria however. People will do foolish things when they are scared.

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3/15/2020 Sunday

This virus outbreak has been a huge global disruptor. When I first heard news of the outbreak in China, I thought the issue would be resolved quickly and life would carry on. Now it seems the issue is spreading quickly all over the world and we are still in the early stages. Schools are being shut down, events are being canceled, and in some areas many businesses have to shut their doors for several weeks.

I suppose in the face of such an unknown threat, it's important to take cautionary measures, but at the same time life must carry on. We as a society must not let out fears stop us from living life. The effects of this current global crisis is devastating to our economy. Many people will be without work and pay for several weeks. Some businesses may not even be able to stay afloat and may go out of business.

Is this the start of a massive and global recession? This is certainly something that I have never experienced during my lifetime. I don't know what to expect and what will come out of all this. I'm still calm and not scared about what is going on. I know there is a lot of fear going around, but this pandemic is forcing us to look at the stark reality of nature. Anything can happen at anytime and nothing is really in our control. What we can control however is what we decide to do with the given information.

At this time, I just want to step back and observe all that is going on. This is a good opportunity to do some deep introspection while we experience increased social isolation.

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3/25/2020 Wednesday

I had a random dream about Leo a few days ago. I don't remember the details but I just remember seeing Leo and he said something about how he could show me how I am God. I think this was in my subconscious because of the latest video I watched from him.

Also sometimes I get very deep insights in my dreams, but when I wake up a lot of the times I lose the insights because my memory of the dreams become very fuzzy when I wake up.

I've had some recent deep insights about money. Money makes the world go round. Money is deeply embedded into all of society as a whole yet we don't have enough healthy discussions around money. Most people carry so much emotional baggage around money, yet we just sweep it under the rug and pretend like it doesn't matter. How the fuck can money not matter when everything we do in life revolves around money? Having these realizations fills me with deep pain because I now see so clearly how badly all of humanity is affected by the issues around money.

Most of the discussions we do have about money are so distorted and so unhealthy it's just ridiculous. Why is it such a taboo to discuss money in a healthy manner? Every single society around the world pretends like money isn't something that should be openly discussed. Every single society around the world neglects to have proper education and guidance around money.

Even during this pandemic where people's lives are literally at risk, guess what the biggest topic is about? It's all about the fucking money! There is so much greed and corruption in this world and it's due to the emotional wounds people have about money. Money is essentially what most of society worships, yet they pretend like it doesn't even matter.

Here is some perspective I've gained around money:

I have deep emotional wounds around money as well and because of that I have struggled financially for a long time. Now, I'm finally starting to have some real clarity around money and I see through the illusions cast over society. I have begun to work on healing my money wounds and raising my money EQ.

Money is just an idea. This idea now has a life of its own and has evolved and grown throughout the years. The rules of money are constantly changing, and is entirely dependent on a system where the majority of people need to participate in order for the system to work.

Money as an object doesn't matter. Money used to be attached to physical objects like precious metals and paper currency. Money is becoming digital and is turning into numbers on a screen. Money is a vehicle for transferring energy. We attach our energies onto money and then exchange it with each other to trade goods and services. The object we call money is constantly changing.

Because money is just an idea, that means it isn't real. It never was real in the first place. It's all just made up. Society at large is playing a game with this made up idea. Somewhere along the way we have begun to take it too seriously. Relax... it's just a game... Have a balance between seriousness and playfulness. This also means money is unlimited. There is absolute abundance available for everyone. All the so called "experts" and finance gurus are spreading lies about money. It's all fear mongering done to control society.

Rich and poor is a lie. Wake up and see through the illusions. The rich only exist because the poor exist. If everyone had an abundance of money, no would be rich or poor. The only reason people need to buy into this illusion is because of their insecurities. Most people are so insecure they need to have people to look down on in order to feel better about themselves. This game is played at scale amongst all classes, all races, and all of humanity.

Most of our problems are self created by our egos. Most of society is driven by fear and insecurity.

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4/7/2020 Tuesday

These days my mind is filled with a lot of thoughts and it makes it difficult for me to focus on anything for a long period of time. I haven't been very productive for the past few weeks. 

I've been joining a group meditation session online and that has been helping a lot. This group meets through zoom and will be doing so everyday until the end of April. I have missed one day so far, but I'm committed to try and make it to every session. This group meditation lasts for one hour, and the main focus is that we are putting ourselves into a vibration of gratitude. Overall, it has been a great experience so far.

Lately, I have had a lot of negative thoughts and emotions come up to the surface. I think I have been absorbing the energies of my family since we've all been home for the past few weeks due to the quarantine. There was also some anger and resentment I had buried within me as well. I have been releasing a lot of these negative energies and clearing as much as possible.

A lot of the chaos I'm dealing with has to do with me wanting to work on many different things. I know I have to focus on one thing at a time, and there is one major project I want to bring back and work on again. I will begin to put most of my time and energy into this main project and see where I can take it.

I haven't had any deep awakening periods lately. I have largely been unconscious for a few weeks now. Although I still have many insights come to me on a regular basis, I am still largely unconscious. 

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4/29/2020 Wednesday

Today I have an amazing and massive breakthrough. I am writing this while the insights are fresh in my mind because I know sooner or later I will become unconscious again. The current insights I'm receiving is based on how much creativity is flowing through me. Right now I am connected to the divine source. Creativity, love, and gratitude freely flow through me. I can hardly contain my excitement because of how wonderful it feels. I know I must remain grounded, because if I let my energy and excitement get too high I will crash hard. I must remain grounded and let the energy burn slowly like a long burning candle, rather than a quick burst of flames.

I have lots of ideas on what steps I want to take for my business ventures and in life. I am mapping in my mind how it could all play out. I also know that how it all unfolds could be drastically different that what I envision, but I'm OK with that. Rather I'm enjoying the excitement and possibilities that flow through me. It feels like a free falling waterfall that seems to never end.

Whenever I breathe in deeply and slowly, then exhale slowly, the ecstasy of life surges through my veins. Breathe in..... then breathe out.... nice and slow... easy does it... that is the rhythm of life. I am also tuned into the energy of abundance. Life is rich and abundant and there is enough for everyone. The universe has unlimited resources. True wealth comes from this feeling of abundance, not from the material things we acquire in life. Even people with lots of material wealth can feel like they don't have enough. Thus they are caught in a never ending cycle of chasing after more. Never feeling adequate with what they have.

The truth is... you can feel absolutely wealthy and abundant even when you are struggling financially. Even when money is tight and paying bills are a struggle. You can still feel truly wealthy by tuning into the frequency of abundance. Society will lie to you because they don't want you to know how simple it really is. The concept is simple but the the execution is not easy. This is a simple, but difficult task. Simple because it's easy to understand the concept, but difficult because to put it into practice requires a lot of patience, persistence, and hard work. I am living proof that it's possible. Maybe people might think I'm just being delusional. Maybe... but I'll choose the feeling of abundance over scarcity any day of the week. I have lived with a scarcity mindset for many years in the past and it has not helped my life in any way. It just lead me to living with fear and anxiety.

Today I move past my doubts and fears, and step into my power. We all have the power within us to create value in this world. Just by being alive, you are living as a powerful and divine being. If you have read all of this, I challenge you to step into your power. Let go of your fears and worries. Let go of the things that don't serve your highest needs. I know it's not easy. Start with baby steps and don't give up. Keep trying and believe that you will be able to experience the absolute joy of being alive for no reason, other than to be alive.

The biggest risk I'm taking is that I'll end up looking like a crazy fool. I'd rather people think I'm just a crazy fool for living an authentic life rather than receive praise and validation for a life I don't believe in. Let people think what they want to think because at the end of your life, you won't care what people think about you. You will only care if you lived a life that was meaningful to you. What's meaningful to me is different to what is meaningful to you. Reflect deeply on what you want out of life and find what is meaningful to you. Then do more of that.

- With peace love, and prosperity, namaste.

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