
Ranking Self Help Theorys!

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I got  a challenge for you: Rank all Self Help theorys you know from most important to least important.

On top of the list should be the theory, advice, principle or method, that had the biggest impact on YOUR life. At the bottom should be an advice sound that had no improving effect or maybe even had set you back on your journey.

My list is:

1) Writing a journal

2) Take responsibility for your life! Don't be a victim.

3) EQ: be aware about your emotions

4) Awareness is the only way to improve 

5) Self Love

6) Don't care about the opinion of others. The Disease to please.

7)Pick up Advice  

8) meditation

9) You need to find a Life purpose (phrased it like this on purpose, because it had quite negativ effect I think on me)

10) Be present

11) The Ego 

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That's not going to work because techniques are designed to address different problems for different people.

You have to tailor them to fit your needs. Everyone has different needs at different times in their life.

Pickup might be useless to one person, but life-saving to another. Etc.

You should take an experimenter's approach, where you play around with different methods and theories and stick with the ones that resonate with you.

This field is much more broad and complex than the mind initially expects. There are hundreds of highly useful theories and techniques. Like a good handyman, your toolbox will have hundreds of tools, not just 2 or 3.

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Leo’s Life Purpose Course really taught me how to apply the theories to my life. Before I started that course I had a lot of knowledge but I didn’t really know how to apply it to my own life.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Leo Gura I could not be a "on size fits all" solution, but I still think I would be really interesting to know. You could compare your list with similar lists to identify interesting theorys you may want to give a try. You could also observe patterns and how people at different stages have differents lists. I personally think it's really important to go through to all the hoops instead of skipping ahead in selfhelp. Those lists could help you assess your stage and thus the theorys you may want to keep for later on the journey. 

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Got to agree with Leo. I think this could be more interesting though focused on very similar topics, like psychological evolution diagrams, and contradictory but applicable theories and concepts for the same problem.

"It is thus with farming: if you do one thing late, you will be late in all your work." -Cato

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Self-Actualization is a very broad field, whose cries differ from each individual to another, and each individual creates the way he wants to be or how he sees himself. What can influence this process would be your self-esteem, that's why for me it's the most important point to work on. 

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That was my early attempt at doing what you want. But ultimately I found it a failed project because there is just way too much complexity to this field to make a simple ranked list which will work for everyone.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:


That was my early attempt at doing what you want. But ultimately I found it a failed project because there is just way too much complexity to this field to make a simple ranked list which will work for everyone.

I actually benefited from reviewing your Blueprint when I was forming my big-picture of self-help theory.  So, it is a useful tool as it is.  You don't need to make it perfect.  It is good as it is now.  It's just an outline.  You're never gonna make an outline perfect, so don't try.  But I used that Blueprint and milked it for a lot of perspective on self-help theory.  Paradoxically, that Blueprint is best reviewed and used by advanced students rather than newbies -- advanced students who are trying to get a bird's eye view of self-help theory.  The advanced student already has all the trees, but they might still need to spend some time in the forest.  The Blueprint is the forest -- or a very small patch of the forest at least.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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