
Proving my motivations?

23 posts in this topic

@NEW11 I pretty sure I had feelings because now I'm disappointed.


We are now friends but with less cuddles. Possibly less eating together as well.

I mean I'm fine with that but I don't feel super motivated to friends with someone who just thinks I'm using them.

Edited by Spiral

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Girls are awesome.  You don't even know how awesome because your taking that awesomeness for granted.  

What she want is a touch of deep soul connection.  Meaning you need to expose your vulernable emotions and histories.  And also see deeply into hers.  Show her that you can see her without her even having to explain herself so much.  Listen deeply. 

If you still wanna be at surface level with her because it doesn't seem like it would be worth the emotional effort and slight increase in commitment, then it's absolutely okay to cut it off clean so that there is no confusion.  Spend time with yourself, and nourish yourself.  Spend time with your male homies and nourish them too where you can.

Edited by h inandout

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@h inandout We have had plenty of time for that. I'm her closest friends.

Girl were awesome, a long time ago. Just like men was able to be.

Edited by Spiral

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