Sahil Pandit

Feelings of Depersonalization

3 posts in this topic

Hello everyone,

I would like to have some guidance about the feelings I have been experiencing lately..

As I am progressing in the field of mindfulness, self inquiry, meditation/labeling, every time the voice in my head says something, I try to stay as the observer. This has led me to be at a higher vibrational frequency, however I am feeling disconnected with myself at times. Is this normal? Am I doing the right thing?

Taking a nice warm shower helps me reconnect, but even as I am doing things like yoga or daily activities like driving, I feel like a witness.. in a borderline creepy way..

Leo talked about getting close to "insanity" in one of his videos, and I feel that tough Personal Development work is like that.. Any tips on how to cope with this?

Even today, I was doing mindfulness training and looking in a mirror and I was able to disconnect with my body and see my hands as HANDS, and without ego I was like, "HANDS?! Wtf are hands?? Where did these come from wow?" Almost like a psychedelic trip..

The beauty of reality is so deep, am I ready for an ego death? What is going on here...

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Well I don't know if I'm the right person to give advice to you, I'm still a beginner. 

But first, Leo did talk about depersonalization in his "The dark side of meditation" video, and I'm pretty sure he said it was temporary/there's books and stuff to get out of it. I recommend you watch that part of the video (again if you've already watched it.)

And secondly I don't know if this will work for you. But as I see it you have a choice to depersonalize from yourself or not. I mean you used your mind to depersonalize, you definitely could use it to re-personalize. I really suggest you just type "how to fix de-personalization" into your search engine though.


I think de-personalization is considered a "temporary by-product" but I wouldn't worry to hard. If its depressing or scary, think of it as something fixable and temporary.

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