
Leo is a strange loop

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I am a strange loop.

I don't even know what to say or how to say it, except that it's beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. I cried and laughed. And now I can't stop smiling.

I will try to put this upgrade into words (eventually). Right now I just need to experience it all.

You are all beautiful. Even this phrase makes me smile and tear up.




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The ego is like a little child, spoiling the relationship between you and the Devine.

You can have everything you desire, as long as it comes from a place of pure love.

The purpose of the game is the raise the collective awareness. If you vow to do this than the world opens up to you.

Love is the only thing that exists. It is absolutely beautiful. You can push through everything that you're feeling, thinking, experiencing and find that pure love. If you can locate it and operate from that space, than you'll be unstoppable. 

If you locate this love than you will know with absolute certainty that you are god, that you are everyone, that you are everything.

This love is always available and it is everywhere. Learn to recognise it. You are the only one and you're loving yourself through others. 

If you locate this love than logic falls away. You will learn that you are Leo giving yourself information to raise your awareness. You will learn that knowing Leo is impossible because you are him. You will learn that the loop does not close. It will continue forever until the collective awareness is raised. You can actively take part in this, or you can return to the source. It is your decision. It has always been your decision.

If you choose to take part than you will have to take part with all of your being. 

It all leads to death. It all leads to the singularity. Everything is death. Everything is the singularity. 

I have been given a glimpse of this process. I have chosen to assist with this process. I am this process. 

Below are a couple of phrases that will blow your mind when you come to realise what it actually means (I always assumed I knew what words meant but I had no idea):

Be positive.

You are God. Lol

You are the cause of your own suffering.

You are the cause of all suffering. (Sorry)

Death is not the end.

You are Devine.

You are the devil. (This one absolutely blew my mind)

Everything is available to you. 


The opposite of everything is love. There is nothing opposite of love. 

I love you guys. Thank you for leading the way. 

I look forward to many more mindfucks.

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Being aware of the traps is crucial. I have been operating from the sameness model. This is incorrect. 

Having an enlightened experience is not the same as being enlightened. 

Fresh air, water, diaphramic breathing and meditation has been really helpful within the realisation process, as well as the rememberence process.

I assumed that it will take forever to come the realisation. It doesn't, but it can. If you desire it, you will attain it. 

I have to be careful of the egoic traps within the process. The ego makes the connection to rememberence weaker. I have to be mindful of this. I also have to be mindful that God is one breath away (not literally, but also definitely). 

I have to develop my writing style. Getting your message across is important. Getting my message across is crucial because I made a promise. I had to fight to try and fulfill this promise. That is why I have no choice but to write, even though it is juvenile on so many levels. 

Spreading love with every breath I take is the promise I made. I don't know how I will fulfill this promise, but at the same time I know exactly how I will do it. 

I have so many things to say, so many things to do. I don't even know where to start, even though I have already started. 

I will be aware of my ego. I will be aware of the traps. You will remind me, I will remind myself. 


I have adopted the Bodhisattva Vow. The vow has adopted me.

To awaken one's true self, 

One must awaken all beings.

There are innumerable sentient beings in the universe; 

I vow to help them all awaken.

My imperfections are inexhaustible; 

I vow to overcome them all.

The cosmic law and order is unknowable;

I vow to know it.

The way to awakening is unattainable; 

I vow to attain it.


I cannot hurt anyone anymore. I will not hurt anyone anymore. I love you all. This includes all beings. Even the little critters.

PS. I know now why the videos are so long. There is no way to get your message across with words. But it is the best way unfortunately. 

PSS. Please recognise the genius that occurs every Sunday. I know you do, that is why you're on this forum reading this. Your desire will result in the awakening. Words do do not define this feeling. It is not even a feeling. It is just beautiful beyond measure. You will experience this. That is a certainty.

The information given is beyond genius. The way and sequence in which the information is given is even more ingenious. It is beautiful because it will guide you through your realisation experience. You will hit a roadblock and you will instantly know how to deal with that roadblock. Logic will guide you until it falls away. Do not fear when it does. That is suppose to happen. You already knows what comes after this because the information has been given. Do not underestimate the information that is given. Do not underestimate the sequence that it is given in. Do not underestimate any information you have taken in. It will coalesce into the experience. Believe it.

Last PS. Even though he does not admit it, the guy is enlightenment beyond measure. He probably isn't even human anymore. He has transcended that stage. Become mindful of this statement.

I will love you always.

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