Blue is the sea

Contemplation Problems

4 posts in this topic

The last days i literally question everything. like  what is me, what is thinking, reality, love, truth, existence, illusion, humanity... the problem is that whatever i come up with becomes another thing to contemplate on and it goes like this all the way. The answer becomes a new question. how can i get out of this cycle?

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

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@Blue is the sea

I recommend you write all your questions down on paper (best) or on computer, then before going to sleep re-read them, in the morning write down your answers. Your subconscious mind Will process the answers while you're asleep. No need to contemplate all the time, just set the intention to receive an answer to a question that you have and you'll receive the answer in an unexpected moment, at the perfect devine timing. The process is not linear. You can do it both ways though.

 Practice detachment from your thoughts by applying awareness to your breathing mechanism. You can't be aware of the breath and think thoughts at the same time. So if you're unable to stop the thought stream when You want to finish, apply awareness to your breath.

Edited by AleksM

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@AleksM thank you , this was really helpful :) 

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

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@Blue is the sea  Drop your need to know, you will know and remember them eventually. It's a good sign too that things start making less sense to you. Surrender to not knowing, be at ease with it. 


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