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No One Likes Me

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No one likes the real me. I have been becoming me but no one likes me I am too judgemental but that won't go away quickly. And no one likes me they think I'm too authentic. I want friends.

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No matter how much "you" seem to be changing, you are not. "You" can't change yourself. It may look like "you" can, but that's only manipulating reality ( the real "you" ) in a way that fits to your ego. Of course that would feel like you are now "authentic", but it's fake. 

Also, why do you want friends? 
Why do people HAVE to like you? 
Do you like yourself enough to be your own best friend?

Don't rationalize around the questions, but dig deep into it, search for the underlying reasons.

Look inside.

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@BobbyLowell How about the question: Do I like myself, do I like this representation of my being? The more acceptance of oneself, the brighter your Sun will shine. Being judgemental is something you do and not are. You can never be too authentic. I wonder if you are really authentic. The more authentic one is, the more acceptance of others and less judgement about yourself and others. 


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@Marinusmaybe I'm not authentic in being non judgemental yet. But like not caring what others think of me and feeling like I'm just naturally going about life I feel like I'm authentic in that way. I don't really know how to fix judgement.

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