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How To Have Truly Original Ideas?

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Is it possible to have a truly original out-of-the-box idea that is not based on any other idea?

If sensory input is all we have our brain really only can come up with stuff it either experienced in nature, or based on art that came before it. You can mix and match stuff, but you cant really come up with an original idea. Really the only method I could think of getting non-existing information in your brain is generating random things and looking at them until and see if something clicks, with an almost infinite number of combinations my rough guess for a chance of hitting an idea that makes sense to a human brain here is like hitting the lottery 1000 times in a row. 

I thought about this when thinking of original ideas for games.


This Reminds me of the Library of Babel. You can browse it right now here:

Just think about it, right there, somewhere on this website, is some groundbreaking stuff written. Ideas that could change a human being and humanity forever. Its impossible to find, though.

Edited by MM1988

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Mixing and matching IS what produces original ideas! You're selling consciousness short. It is a creative force that creates new orginal insights based off past acheivements. It's literally intelligent evolution! And here you are discounting it as mere mixing and matching. Well, this mixing and matching has created the dinosaurs, the bird wing, the eye, the automobile, your smart phone, your dog, your brain, Albert Einstein, Michangelo, and every piece of art every produced.

Evolution is NOT random. Your brain isn't random. It functions by way of infinite creative intelligence! You have no idea yet just how intelligent it is. It would take your breath away if you only knew.

You want original ideas? Become conscious of reality.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Mixing and matching IS what produces original ideas! You're selling consciousness short. It is a creative force that creates new orginal insights based off past acheivements. It's literally intelligent evolution! And here you are discounting it as mere mixing and matching. Well, this mixing and matching has created the dinosaurs, the bird wing, the eye, the automobile, your smart phone, your dog, your brain, Albert Einstein, Michangelo, and every piece of art every produced.

Evolution is NOT random. Your brain isn't random. It functions by way of infinite creative intelligence! You have no idea yet just how intelligent it is. It would take your breath away if you only knew.

You want original ideas? Become conscious of reality.

It is true that this is a powerful mechanism. I'm just lately entertaining the thought of an idea that would make sense to a human but is not derived from past experience. I referenced the library of babel because that is a place where such an idea would most likely be found. Basically an idea that no human brain could possibly come up with, but thats still groundbreaking to a human. interresting to think about if such a thing could exist.


Maybe its just a silly thought though, I didnt study philosophy or anything, im sure im not the first human thinking of this.

Edited by MM1988

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Einstein thought you could stimulate ingenious thought by allowing imagination to float freely unrestrained by conventional inhibitions.

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A headset with built in toothbrush, stupid but original.

Think of a problem you have, that think about a way to fix it. 

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