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How Might You Find People In Real Life That Are Passionate About The Topics Discussed Here E.g. Enlightenment?

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There are some good topics and questions asked here but they often die down before any deep discussion takes place. People like throwing out phrases and opinions including myself and often it seems like a place for self expression to get noticed primarily and desiring to answer and contemplate the questions second. You can't really make much progress with many of these topics without going deep, long and detailed with explaining what you mean specifically because the people you ask/reply to are oh so very different. This place is great and there are some golden replies here sometimes. I'm just wondering if it is possible to recognize guys like you (not you specifically) in real life or is this shit so taboo that people would realistically only be willing to discuss this on the interwebs.

Think I suggested some instant text/voice chatting in the past but that is not the direction this forum wants to go and that's fine. IRL would be a damn fine alternative though :). Perhaps some of you have stumbled upon like minded people.

Anyway have a nice day.

Edited by HelloThere

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1 hour ago, HelloThere said:

You can't really make much progress with many of these topics without going deep, long and detailed with explaining what you mean specifically because the people you ask/reply to are oh so very different. 

I find the long detailed posts to be philosophical discussions and a distraction. Those that have experienced Truth seem to write short messages. 

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The forums ARE a place for discussion. 
Knowing something that is true is great and also great for you but doesn't do much for others.
If you are able to bring them closer to that truth by explaining why it is the truth so that they may start to see the pieces(explanations/examples) that you set in front of them come together and help form a similar picture or understanding of that inkling of truth that you already possess then it starts to be about sharing the truth. 

The less you say the more things it can mean and if you keep reducing then you reach the thing that means the most things which is when you say nothing at all.
It's also harder this way to distinguish between people who actually know and are pointing in the right direction and people who know nothing but just say something that can't be related to or cast aside because of how little they say. One is in the know but both have reduced the detail down to form something so generic that there's not much left to work with. The people that really know their shit are few but the people who answer are many so there should be something that allows to distinguish the two. 
If someone goes out of their way to write a reply it might as well be something that the other can understand and get something from otherwise why ask the question/answer at all?
Our opinions, realisation and current knowledge is hardly ever fully in line with "the truth" which is why we might come here to the forums for others with different strengths and insights to help correct or fill in the gaps.
Anyway the main thing I was asking was if there are some clear indicators or places to look out for to find like minded people such as the ones here. 

Edited by HelloThere

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@HelloThere Have you tried searching local Facebook groups, subreddits, the paper, etc? If you cannot find what you're looking for, it might be that there are people like yourself that are searching for this sort of thing. You might try starting a group yourself and seeing what sort of responses you get. Best of luck! I am fortunate to have one individual that lives right down the road from me that is interested in this pursuit. There are also things like retreats and seminars, so throw in those buzzwords if that is something you'd like to look for as well.

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I would start peeking trough peoples front windows ?

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Please. Be who you want to be! How do you want to act and behave in the world? Be that one because that is what your heart wants and that will attract everything you ever need for it to be true. But don't care about how because you starting in the wrong direction. Do it first and then you can explain how you did it, but right now you don't know and you will never know if you don't focus on the right thing. 

Put all your energy into yourself and the right ones will find you. 


I'm writing this from a master's balcony in India. I have no idea how it works but it does. Here we meditate togherer, I'm learning yoga from a professional and we're eating the best plant based food every single day. 

In the end, it's just a beautiful dream. It's not real. 


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