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Nature Heals Everything

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You ever feel out of balance? Immerse yourself in nature, dig your toes deep in the dirt, work on your garden, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, blasts yourself with the suns cosmic rays, wash yourself in the natural springs, dance, play, sing and simply be one with nature and all things will heal. Being in nature automatically puts us in a meditative state and in the present moment, focusing on step at a time in its magnificence, in its divine beauty, hug a tree if you must as there is no greater connection you can feel than being out there where our true home resides, were we originally came from.

We are the seeds that were planted in the darkness to grow and learn our way back to the light, nature is not a place to visit, nature is home and if you want to reach the light once again we must go back home and recover and reconnect to our divinity, to our simplicity.

How good do you feel after a long day at the beach or up in the mountains?

Be one with nature, Immerse yourself and healing takes place on all levels.

beautiful nature forest path wallpaper.jpgawesome fall full hd wallpaper.jpg5555555555555555.jpgstunning forest path wide.jpg


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