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Derealisation (depersonalisation) - How Similar To Enlightenment?

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I have some mild or medium form of derealisation also known as depersonalisation, and I have it for quite a long time now.

I wonder, the descriptions of enlightenment (especially those articulating to stance when you feel like you don't have control of yourself and you feel like watching yourself from 3rd person view) is actually quite similar to what I feel with this derealisation.

I wonder are these experiences share any degree of similarity?

The only sure thing I can tell is that derealisation is not very pleasant condition when you feel like you are walking in the dream  and lost sense of reality where colours become greyer, while enlightenment, which I never had, sounds as a positive realisation of walking in the dream and here you gain more sense of reality and more colourful life. 

Also, if someone have or had this, how did you cure it? Coz I feel like after about 6 years with it, there is no permanent cure, only temporary reliefs.

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There is no magical pill for it. But if you stop taking your thoughts seriously, you're already cured. Accept it, let go of control and worry, and DR will vanish.


I am not enlightened, but I think DPDR is something completely different. I bet the few people on here with a trained mind would laugh at it if they had it.

Edited by Nadosa

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I mean, you have to accept them but not resist or fight them. When you have DPDR, you're trapped in a thought cycle: Is the world real? Am I there?

Those are the thoughts keeping it alive. "Not taking them seriously" means not believing them, and that is all you have to know on your journey to recovery. But of course, you have to face the fear of the trauma and be present with it.

DPDR isn't always caused by trauma.

Edited by Nadosa

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