
Does Ego = The Destructive Voice & Thoughts In My Head?

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Title speaks for itself really. Is ego ego The the source of why we refuses to let go of traumas, negative thoughts, self sabotaging behavior?

Edited by kieranperez

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You think you have an ego, and the thoughts that tells you that appears as the ego to you.
In a sense the ego does not exist, it's just a thoughts collection about what and how the world function.

Knowing that is useless unless you experience it for yourself though, you got to really see these are just thoughts.
The only solution to that is lots and lots of meditation and mindfullness (24/24) until you have a breakthrough.

You could be an expert meditator and still being easily triggered in real life situation, so mindfullness isn't a luxury, you got to be very conscious of your thoughts and emotions at all time, otherwise you'll trick yourself again and again untill you die.


Onji, great teacher, much bald, wow not Leo copino pastorino.


Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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