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Joseph Maynor

Do You See The Power Of The Question, What Is Preventing You From Doing X, And Why Is This Question So Powerful?

2 posts in this topic

What is preventing you from doing X?

What is preventing you from getting new paying clients?

What is preventing you from finding that BIG life purpose?

What is preventing you from getting that hot girlfriend?

Why is this question -- What is preventing you from doing X ?-- so powerful

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Believing in one's own ego.

And what is believed from the ego is its fear of losing self-esteem (losing validity) if it (a decision) does not work out.

The ego carries scars (memories) of past losses of self-worth, and ANYTHING that resembles, no matter how slightly, of past losses, the ego will create fear.

That fear is the cause of self-doubt, and one ends up struggling with indecisions.

As a result, nothing gets done.

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