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One Technique Better Than Another ?

4 posts in this topic

Hey all,

Have you had more success with one technique over another ? For example, less mind chatter with Do nothing compared to Mindfullnes ?

Or does it really make a difference which technique you go with ?

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It's like ice cream. Try a bunch of different flavors and then buy the one you like most.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I'd agree with @Leo Gura here. I have the most success with do nothing because I tend to have so much compulsive thought that this is the best technique to develop the mechanism that it shuts up for itself. If I go with a mindful meditation I'll have a much harder time staying on track. Self-Inquiry for me also works very good.

Try 'em and choose your favourite ones. I also contemplate death ones a weak as a self-inquiry. That's real powerful.

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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In the end it only matters what breaks through your conditioning. And because everybody has a different conditioning, different spiritual paths/methods/master will appeal to them.

"The death of the mind is the birth of wisdom." -- Nisargadatta Maharaj

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