Joseph Maynor

Is The Truth Only What's Happening In The Present Moment?

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The Truth is the Self, so this is outside of space and time, right?

So, with that said, is the Truth only what is happening in the present moment?  Is this belief True?  See the problem?


Food for thought:  You can only experience reality in the present moment in what you’re sensing.  So, the Truth must be tied to the present moment, no?  How can Truth be limited this way?

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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The truth of being is always and everywhere, but it does come in many different forms. Thinking of the past or the future is still happening in the present, the present is always and therefor there is only but truth. Perspective can be deceiving, there is only the present, even experiences of the past/future are present in this moment.

So in short, the truth is now which is always. The illusion that something is more or less truthful is an illusion. 

Edited by Principium Nexus

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