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Exposing Your Ideology - How Your Ideals Remove You From Reality

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Having a strong ideology means being sensitive with a narrow set of ideas about how you think the world works and how you think it should work. This is a very big sign of neurosis. People with even an average level of ideological obsession rarely experience fast growth in life. In order to maintain the ideology, you have to constantly self-deceive and manipulate your actions and thoughts in such a way that it affirms what you think the truth is.

Anyone who is not spiritually enlightened has an ideology to some degree. Even my words you're reading right now is from my own personal ideology. This is because an ideology is essentially  a model of how the external world works. In order to function in everyday life, your mind needs to generate a model in which to follow. The problem is though, is that this ideology is not always geared towards finding one's ultimate happiness. Some people have ideologies geared towards validating their own suffering. Even some of the people who have decided to gear their model towards happiness are pretty ignorant of the proper concepts required to maximize happiness or hell, even understand what happiness actually is.

One last thing, ideology is not the same is dogma. I think we should make the distinction that an ideology is just your world view and dogma is a set of external rules and beliefs you think you should follow which may be worse but I think ideology is a much deeper and more significant topic particularly with the orange stage of psychological development and probably even green.

So what do you think? Let me know in this thread if you think this is a good video topic.

Edited by MaxWare1997
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Good topic - hard to have a conversation with someone outside of business or work without being "labeled" by the other person with his/her ideologies.

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I'll consider it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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