Adam M

Do Not Mix Practices?!?

22 posts in this topic

OP, by any chance, are you doing S. N. Goenka's Vipassana technique? (I assume you are unless you've travelled to Burma to do the other popular Vipassana technique of Mahasi Sayadaw; or there is some third technique that I don't know about, I would love to know).

I have done a retreat in Goenka's style, and I understand why they recommend NOT mixing techniques. The technique requires you to attune your attention to subtle physical sensations while maintaining perfect equanimity, without other distractions such as mental noting or visualization. The point is to ground your awareness in your body, rather than your thoughts. 

I would be wary taking too seriously the advice of people on this forum. Ad-hoc eclecticism of random techniques might be fine for the casual meditator who isn't serious about enlightenment and just wants some emotional benefits. But if you want to go deep, you must go deep with one technique, whatever it is.

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Lol, you can mix techniques to great effect. That old guy is just a stubborn booger.   You just have to do it intelligently and naturally.  There are certain fundamentals to stick by IMO, beyond that everything is free game.  

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