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How Does An Productive Day Look Like Of A Self-actualizing Person ?

6 posts in this topic

Hey, not sure if there has been a post like this before. 

How does an productive day look like for you ? 

Currently, I am studying and I am always scheduling my week in advance, each saturday or sunday.

So, for example a typical Tuesday would look like this:

  • wake up 6am
  • take a shower and meditate till aprox. 7:30 - 45 (depending on how long I stay in bed ) 
  • breakfast before 8:00
  • lectures from 8:00 to 11:15
  •  grab some food in the cafeteria
  • relax till 12:30 or 13:00 
  • Studying from 13:00 till 18:00 , different subject 45 min after 1 hour and 30 minutes take a break for 15 to 30 min. Grab food in between
  • 18:00 relax , chat , etc
  • 19:00 workout till 20:00
  • Shower grab some food or make some.
  • 20:30 45 min learning chinese
  • After that read and try to go to bed by 22:00.


Yet, time-wise you can see that I am not capeable of sticking to the schedule 100%. Sometimes, I just get distracted for 15 mins and that for like 4- 6 times a day browsing the web, I hate this yet I also feel I need it as an extra break. Am I doing to much or is this just fine ? Ofc, I am not always working out and sometimes I have to do groupwork for some lectures, so that mostly takes the whole day since the other people don't do anything in advance and I also am not doing anything in advance. Nvm the last part.

Curious to see how other people here structure their day, especially with a job. During internships I had trouble keeping up with hobbies like learning chinese under the week, since I was so worn out, from the whole day.


Note: It is 22:48 here in germany.

Edited by ValiantSalvatore
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I do this same routine Mon thru Sun, 7 days per week.  But I take a little 3 day vacation every couple/few months where I travel somewhere by airplane for R&R time.  So, even though I don't take my weekends off, I get to go to Las Vegas or wherever every couple/few months for 3 days.  That works for me.  I find that running my life on a consistent routine everyday gives me great momentum, like having wind at my back.  

1.  Morning Routine (3.5 hours)

Wake: 5:30 am

-- Make and drink smoothie

-- Read my Mission Statement

-- Do Concentration work/ Do Meditation (1 Hour)

-- Get my lunch ready to bring to work.  Do some errands around the house.

-- Take a Bath

-- Get Ready for Work

-- Walk to Work.  Do walking meditation.  

2.  Work Routine (9.5 hours)

Arrive at work: 9 am

-- Strategize my work day (30 mins)

-- Work (Eat Lunch somewhere that fits)

-- Work on my philosophy (I'm writing a book)

3.  Evening Routine (2.5 hours)

Leave work: 6:30 pm

-- Walk home.  Do walking meditation.

-- Do some errands.  Do some cooking (if needed).  Work on my exercise for integrating with my past.  Do some socializing with friends and family.    Do some work on this forum.  Do some personal development work, but nothing too heavy.  (I usually only do the heavy personal development work when I travel.)  

4.  Sleep (8.5 hours)

In bed for Sleep: 9:00 pm


PS: I find that being too anal with my time-frames didn't work for me, I felt too reigned-in, too controlled.  Notice that I keep stuff in time-blocks rather than having everything scheduled down to the minute.  But that's just me.  I don't like to be too controlled, and I need some flexibility in my schedule.  This is the only schedule I have ever stuck with for any length of time.  It is sustainable for me.  It took me 10 years to realize I can't do the anal schedule where everything is scheduled down to the minute.  If you pull the reins too hard, the horse will buck!

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Wow , this looks though. But you don't work Sundays and Saturdays do you ?

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@Joseph Maynor How long do you follow this routine?

Do you have setbacks sometimes which make you abandon your routine for 2 weeks or something like that? i sometimes do that

keeping up the consistency seems to be the most important thing i wonder how you do it successfully.

Is writing the book your work? or do you have a job additionally?


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@ValiantSalvatore Yep.  But if I fall off I don't worry about it and just pick it up the next day.  The schedule is an ideal, I don't perform it 100% all the time, although I aim to.  But it is also not a pipe-dream either, I do practice it with a percentage accuracy everyday.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Steph1988 I'm self employed.  Yeah, it's just an ideal.  I practice it at a percentage accuracy everyday.  I'm getting it locked in more and more each day.  Sometimes I do take a day off here and there.  I've pieced it together over time like building modules and then working them together so it's hard for me to say how long I've been doing it.  It was a gradual optimization process for me.  I started doing it this way in time blocks a couple of years ago when I got out of the paradigm of having everything scheduled down to the minute.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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