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What Are Your Guy's Best Resources For Learning Academic Subjects?

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-YouTube channel


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Generally if you want to start learning something new then:

Khan Academy

if you are above that level, buy college level text book.

When it rains, it pours like hell.

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Aside from the above.

There is EDx. 



ITunes U (the app).

All above have free courses online from universities. Udacity though is more specialized for STEM subjects but has some other courses that aren't included in that. 

Topdocumentaryfilms. The site. Comprehensive source.

In YouTube, there is Crash Course. It has a series of videos on each subject it takes. It chemistry, physics, biology, astronomy, ecology, literature, world history, government (U.S), U.S history, computer science, mythology, games, philosophy and film history. It allows for a simpler overview of what you learn that allows a better and easier understanding of the subject once you go deeper. Concepts are explained very well. 

A good high quality forum is Metafilter that shows multiple content on multiple subjects. 

Reddit is often viewed as pretty low quality in content but some specfic subreddits are great. There's /r/Depthub, /r/Foodforthought and  /r/Changemyview that put in really thoughtful content.

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” 
― Socrates

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