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Affirmations... Too Many? Are Theese Good?

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I am beginning now to use affirmations, actually since 2 days a go. 

The goals I set and I want to achieve from affirmations are the following:

1- Feeling whole and complete as single, without sex or relationships

2- To free myself from oneitis about my last ex

3- Feeling confident about finding another girl

4- Free myself from the feeling of being late about finding a life partner 


And the affirmations I use are the following (forgive me if are not grammatically correct, I am italian, obviously we have a translated version of them)

1- I feel great when I am single

2- I feel great without being in a relationship

3- She was not the right girl for me

4- I am now free to approach girls and find a better girl without needing her

5-  Now I found my LP, and I can find fulfillment by following it

6- Now the world is full of new opportunities, I am young and I can seize them

7- I am young, if I invest in myself now, if I grow myself now, I can get an awesome life

8- I know pain is necessary to grow

9- I love to feel the pain of growth, and I don't run away from it

10- I don't need sex to feel good, I am fighting my addiction

11- She would have screwed up my life

12- I will find the right girl when it is the right time

13- I love my life, I don't want to screw it up because of fucked up girl, I now on my purpose and I don't need anything else

14- She was not going to lead me to a good place

15- I just need to work on my aboundance

16- If I work on myself, I will feel awesome again


I actually come from a break up that happened 6 months a go, I don't feel 100% recovered yet, maybe it is because I never took my recovery seriously, thing that now I want to do. I feel I need a complete review of my paradigms: I need a Life Purpose, I don't need a girlfriend. I found my Life Purpose after the break up taking the LP course, I am working at it, that would be to become a personal trainer, to open a gym with my brother, that wants to do the same thing, and when I work on it I something magical happens, the whole world outside totally disappear, and I feel like one thing.  I recognize my ex had something like 10 of the red flags that Leo talked about in his video about relationship red flags (the biggest one "psyche medication", that I recognize are something that actually destroy relationships, I even recognize how unhealthy our relationship was because of them), and I feel guilty because I didn't broke up with her when it was the right time (it means when she began to take medications for clinical depression and personality disorder) and I feel I actually wasted a lot of time and emotional energy into her, this makes me feel so much frustrated, and I want to make myself know that I am just 20, and I didn't lose actually anything, furthermore, I gained much finding out my LP and putting myself on a path to defeat my fears and reaching out by myself, just relying on myself.

I want to use theese affirmations to do this. Please help me to figure out if these affirmations are maybe too many, if are they good, I am repeating them before to go to sleep and when I wake up, I feel them very good, and restoring. Let me know what do you think about them, and what should I do now with my life to recover better, if you have any advice

Thank You :)

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#1 Holy shit you are actually doing something instead of just talking about it. Good job. 
#2 Watch that you don't get too specific with some of these (based on this: How To Stop Judging Yourself) as when these become programmed deep they might be annoying to get rid of in the future.

10 hours ago, barry said:

1- I feel great when I am single

2- I feel great without being in a relationship

E.g. it might get awkward when a girl you really like and click with wants to get more serious and relationships don't feel trustworthy to you anymore or something. Doesn't mean it will happen, just an example.

Anyway even if some of these are a bit off, and only you probably know which are right for you, then actually implementing them and doing something about it will still do more good than harm. You can always learn from it if something needs tweaking. Good job man.

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19 hours ago, barry said:

I am beginning now to use affirmations, actually since 2 days a go. 

The goals I set and I want to achieve from affirmations are the following:

1- Feeling whole and complete as single, without sex or relationships

2- To free myself from oneitis about my last ex

3- Feeling confident about finding another girl

4- Free myself from the feeling of being late about finding a life partner 


And the affirmations I use are the following (forgive me if are not grammatically correct, I am italian, obviously we have a translated version of them)

1- I feel great when I am single

2- I feel great without being in a relationship

3- She was not the right girl for me

4- I am now free to approach girls and find a better girl without needing her

5-  Now I found my LP, and I can find fulfillment by following it

6- Now the world is full of new opportunities, I am young and I can seize them

7- I am young, if I invest in myself now, if I grow myself now, I can get an awesome life

8- I know pain is necessary to grow

9- I love to feel the pain of growth, and I don't run away from it

10- I don't need sex to feel good, I am fighting my addiction

11- She would have screwed up my life

12- I will find the right girl when it is the right time

13- I love my life, I don't want to screw it up because of fucked up girl, I now on my purpose and I don't need anything else

14- She was not going to lead me to a good place

15- I just need to work on my aboundance

16- If I work on myself, I will feel awesome again


I actually come from a break up that happened 6 months a go, I don't feel 100% recovered yet, maybe it is because I never took my recovery seriously, thing that now I want to do. I feel I need a complete review of my paradigms: I need a Life Purpose, I don't need a girlfriend. I found my Life Purpose after the break up taking the LP course, I am working at it, that would be to become a personal trainer, to open a gym with my brother, that wants to do the same thing, and when I work on it I something magical happens, the whole world outside totally disappear, and I feel like one thing.  I recognize my ex had something like 10 of the red flags that Leo talked about in his video about relationship red flags (the biggest one "psyche medication", that I recognize are something that actually destroy relationships, I even recognize how unhealthy our relationship was because of them), and I feel guilty because I didn't broke up with her when it was the right time (it means when she began to take medications for clinical depression and personality disorder) and I feel I actually wasted a lot of time and emotional energy into her, this makes me feel so much frustrated, and I want to make myself know that I am just 20, and I didn't lose actually anything, furthermore, I gained much finding out my LP and putting myself on a path to defeat my fears and reaching out by myself, just relying on myself.

I want to use theese affirmations to do this. Please help me to figure out if these affirmations are maybe too many, if are they good, I am repeating them before to go to sleep and when I wake up, I feel them very good, and restoring. Let me know what do you think about them, and what should I do now with my life to recover better, if you have any advice

Thank You :)

Holy fuck man these are aawful!

Every single one of them reinforces scarecity and lack in one way or another.


Im on my phone, in the next post I'll send you a guide how to recover from your depression.

Good luck, thanks for your amazing effort. Allow me please to ease your journey as much as I can.

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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at the bottom there's an additional bit in comments about affirmations.

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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1 hour ago, Martin123 said:



at the bottom there's an additional bit in comments about affirmations.

shouldn't affirmations be very specific? Even visualiazitions

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@barry they should feel good in your body first and foremost.

You can make them specific.

And notice that the feeling of it IS very specific. Thats what you focus on.

Not words, not the images, the FEELING of it. Makes sense? :)

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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@barry I reccomend doing shadow work to overcome this. You are using affirmations to overcome feelings of loneliness or neediness. I had the same struggles and have made huge progress. 

You can choose to try the work by Byron Katie or the Sedona method by hale dwoskin.


You may also like doing affirmations on top of this if you enjoy them :)


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