Stoica Doru

Emotional Oneness/inner Child Healing (it'll Help You A Lot)

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This one will be a big game changer for you, and for your's soul desires, or inner child as it is referred to. I am currently at this stage of learning to work with my soul, which Matt calls The Spiritual Wall. Basically, he says that you can't advance spiritually or emotionally, until you've learned to take care of your inner child. After having an awakening, I currently find myself at the point in which my soul cries for Love, Attention and Honesty, instead of some more spiritual techniques to hide my deeper wounds. The inner child takes its form as ego in order to seek the attention - that we forgot to offer it ourselves - from others, the outside world. Most of the spiritual shit is making our inner child/shadow suffer, because it's like taking a child to a psychologist in order to make it obey our rules. Now that's not real Love, which spirituality should be about. Matt Kahn really hit home with this one for me. Good luck, everyone!

''The inner child just wants you to focus on two things: Honesty and Self-love.''

''Your inner child doesn't care how spiritual you are, doesn't care what you remember and trying to keep straight. The more you try to earn your spiritual gold stars, the more it'll sabotage you. The ONLY thing that it cares about is for you to relly on IT.''

Ain't it funny how men think?

They made the bomb, they are extinct.

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@Stoica Doru yaaaa bitch yaaaas. Dats wadum talkin bout.

"who am i who am I"

... says stubborn mind to a cryinf wounded 5year old in pain...


"why is it not working, im so #present"

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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On 23.04.2017 at 7:19 AM, philosogi said:

@Stoica Doru Related to this, I found that being able to grieve the childhood I didn't feel I had was very important.

The first thing we must do is admit to ourselves where we've neglected our soul's wounds and desires, and make it our companion, rather than an enemy that we're in a race with, which needs to stand still for our fairy tale enlightenment fantasies. 

Ain't it funny how men think?

They made the bomb, they are extinct.

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