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Everything posted by solr

  1. I've done some 14 day retreats, in a week I'll do my first 30 day retreat. Does anyone have first hand experience with difficulties I should expect? Did something unexpected happen during your retreat? The 14 day retreats were very hard, so I can only imagine how tough one month will be. I'm not planning to do any psychedelics on this retreat. I'll not read anything, no yoga or exercise. Just meditation. Any insights will be appreciated!
  2. Yeah that's good advice! I get super sleepy all day long, I don't really know why, but fresh air seems to help. Thank you for the video tip by the way, it's perfect for my situation. How many retreats have you done? Just curious
  3. Hahaha sneaky ego. My biggest problem on my previous retreats have been fatigue. I get soooo sleepy, i fall asleep all the time. Super annoying
  4. I'm a past binger. I found that not letting myself get really hungry in the first place was key during my recovery. Eating healthy food often that kept me feeling full. Restriction and fasting just made my cravings worse. I'm currently vegan and do water fasts every now and then - But if I still was in recovery this would be a safe road towards a huge binge
  5. I used to have severve issues with my back. I couldnt walk for 6 months. In my experience movement is the only thing that really helps. Walking in particular, expecially in the forest. Not sitting for longer than 50min at the time helps as well. If your hip flexors and hamstrings are tight you could try stretching those. Lay off exercises such as heavy deadlifts and sqats. For acute pain, try a naprapath or a good chiropractor that's not too heavy on his hands
  6. Leo has a good video on journaling if you haven't seen it yet. Just search for "actualized + journal" on youtube
  7. I have a 9-5 where I work with VR and 3D modeling. I have a small business of my own where I do graphic design as well. I've recently started a YouTube channel on the side, it doesn't make me any money but jeez, lots of work - Just one year with studies to learn some autodesk software. I have half a year with philosophy as well
  8. @Leo Gura I kind of feel that I'm not "evolved" enough for these higher forms of teachings. Could that be true or is my ego trying to trick me? I've felt really depressed during the last 6 months when I'm contemplating what you're saying in the enlightenment videos, the videos about god etc. I feel scared, lonely and sad. Do you think I should lay off and do more ground work? Might sound silly, but I'm a bit worried that I'm going crazy
  9. You just gave me a brand new perspective, thank you.. I think you're right
  10. I'm female and a vegan and also very into environmental issues. I feel like I'm kind of green, but all of a sudden green people are getting on my nerves. Like I feel triggered lol. I usually never get triggered by anything. So whats happening here, am I regressing down the spiral? (warning, judgemental shit incoming) I expecially get annoyed by their tendency to be.... "Morally elitist" i guess.. And also I get triggered by their shallow understanding of god and ethics. I feel like they are too black/white and forces their opinions down other peoples throats. Like I'm so concerned with animal ethics, why do I get so triggered by activists? I don't really understand, I just started feeling this way recently. Is it regression?
  11. I see your point, thank you for sharing your perspective. In my case I'm way to emotional about it, so i guess i got some work in front of me here.
  12. Hands down the one about victim mentality. I watched it many years ago and it made me furious lmfao. But i had to accept the truth of me being a sad little victim and that propelled me into personal development work. At the time i had no job, no money, no friends, no passions, lived with my mom, chronic back pain.... Today i earn 5 times more, work my dream job, have close friends, my own apartment, great health, my own business on the side and lots of hobbies. All because of this video popping up in my feed.
  13. But the higher tiers doesn't judge the lower ones. If I was transitioning out of green i would experience being less judgemental, right?
  14. shadow work keeps popping up everywhere, but i have yet to find a good resource teaching it. Do you have any? I tried reading jung but that was way to confusing for my tiny brain hahha
  15. Naah you don't trigger me at all, I know it's true. I'm just very confused as to why this is popping up all of a sudden
  16. Does anyone have any profound book reccomendations for jealousy in relationships?
  17. I know.... But I'm in complete hermione granger mode lately. ???‍♀️ Does anyone have any book reccomendations?
  18. Just started a youtube channel after finishing leos life purpose course. Its been my dream for years, i have this urge to help people, because I've had my share of struggles & I don't wish that on anyone. I have a follower base on instagram already, so i didnt start it from 0.. "Problem" is, it seems like I have a couple of haters. As to why, I really don't know.. I do this for free to help, and I spend all of my free time on it. When I come home from my (extremely high pace) 3D modeling/visualization job and just want to go to sleep - I work like a horse on this channel. You have to be your own writer, researcher, camera man, graphic designer, sound man & video editor.. And ofc I love it, but these people leave nasty messages about the way I look and dislike as soon as I upload anything. It's so discouraging, and it really gets to me. I was bullied a looot growing up. I find this so difficult, especially when I'm tired. I'm in the startup fase as well, and havent really had the time to have a positive impact and help others... yet. And honestly... I also kind of feel like: you know what, fuck people, why do i even want to help you? Any advice? Fuck im so tired. Feel like a huge ego backlash is on its way as well
  19. I apparently made this post the day before I got my period, I was crying all day and just wanted to quit.. I thought it was because of these trolls, but now i understand that it was mostly PMS. omg hahaha. I seriously NEVER understand it when it's PMS... and then the day after I'm like: Oh... YES, i knew I wasnt a weak ass bitch But I've learned a lot of useful stuff from you guys, and here's some of the things I picked up that I will try: * Make my own video about dealing with haters/trolls. That forces me to do research on the subject and dive deep into the topic. It will also stick because I research with the intention of teaching * Look at it as threshold guardians * Include them in my metta meditation Thanks guys <3
  20. This is probably way to personal but whatever. I've never seen anyone openly talk about this because people need others to see them as "good". I recently had a mystical/enlightenment experience and after that I kind of struggle to integrate it. Expecially when it comes to relationships. I feel like I'm batshit crazy. Like I'm self inducing psychosis. And I just can't seem to relate to people. I find no interest in the conversations & gossip. I don't feel like I'm better than anyone, but I legitematly see no value of socializing. I find it time consuming, draining & awkward. ... Yet at the same time, I find myself very lonely because I've basically cut off all of my old friends, boyfriends etc. Even though I have a lot of options and LOVE sex I don't want to have it with someone I can't deeply connect with. I also live in a different city than my family because I've created my dream job here.. After that mystical experience I feel like a lot of old trauma, resentment & anger is surfacing. Make no mistake, I know you're not enlightened after one or two mystical experiences, it is thousands of them to be had.. And I feel like you can have deep insights, mastery even, in many aspects of life, while still being utterly toxic in intimate relations. And if you don't work on that... Well, that's how zen devils & cult leaders are made as Leo once said??‍♀️ I genuinly feel like I'm a shitty person to be close with, because I have such a huge, narcissistic ego that's packed with fear due to bullying and isolation. And that is also a reason as to why I isolate myself. I have such high standards regarding compassion, love, kindness & I know I'm not living up to it. I don't want to be a toxicity or a source of suffering in anyones life. I don't even know what I'm rambeling on about. I just quit alcohol as well, and like... The only arena in my life where I actually felt like I fit in with the group is gone. The alcohol just turned off my brain and I really felt like I was just like the rest. And I AM like the rest, I'm not special, but I still feel like a complete outsider... Have anyone been through this? I would appreciate advice <3
  21. This is very helpful feedback, thank you so much. Looking at it as a treshold guardian makes it less discouraging and actually more motivating, I totally overlooked that connection. Really helped, thanks man.
  22. Please. It's a reason as to why I haven't posted my channel myself. I don't want it on here, I don't want that kind of attention. It's also a privacy issue. I have personal stuff on here in my threads, and I don't want everyone to know who I am. Please remove this. I also think these comments are very unnecessary when you don't even understand what I'm saying, based off a 3 minute intro. This is so off topic and I'm not interested.
  23. Yes you're right. I don't get mad though, only discouraged. I'll begin to include them in my metta bhavana meditation. Thank you for the reminder <3
  24. Do you speak norwegian and understand what I'm talking about in my videos? Because this does not reflect my work at all.